- 1
Cannot receive messages
#39 opened by dopatraman - 1
Removed from npm?
#36 opened by TheBrockEllis - 5
Node 0.8
#26 opened by jimmycuadra - 2
'from' should be a user object from roster
#30 opened by uxdiogenes - 0
[destroy this issue]
#28 opened by rbruels - 2
- 0
- 0
The bot disconnecting on error should be added via an event instead of hardcoded in the private API
#19 opened by cjoudrey - 0
Private API - onError should be called onStreamError and only used by XMPP connection
#20 opened by cjoudrey - 8
Compatibility with Node v0.5.x
#13 opened by mathewpeterson - 9
- 1
- 1
Add `bot.reply`
#9 opened by cjoudrey - 3
Compatibility with Node v0.5.3
#10 opened by rxbynerd - 2
Add a better API for message events
#8 opened by cjoudrey - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Remove keepalive interval on disconnect
#7 opened by cjoudrey - 0
History messages trigger 'message' event.
#1 opened by cjoudrey