a proto version of being able to share encrypted files on chain
can have public, private, and shared files.
v1: enable basic encrypted file sharing
v1.1?: be able to remove permissions
v2: might be useful to be able to share with groups of people
v3: add directory support
v3: handle read/write permissions
v4: handle file versioning
v5: migrate to graph schema
- Add public key to registry
- Then can encrypt any data to any public key in the registry
- The reciever(s) of the data can open the data and decrypt it
- Move to EIP-5630
- Use Metamask Snap similar to: https://github.com/skgbafa/dessi/
- Move to ECIES instead of custom rolled type of ECIES
- Impacts but simplifies both the contracts and the frontend code
- Add basic permissioning system in
- Add group sharing in
- First class support for encrypted URL data (IPFS especially + cheap storage)
- It's possible to imagine a drag and drop thing where we use SSTORE2 on a whole bundle of IPFS hash's