
API and Website for Mirror.xyz

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A public API into https://mirror.xyz. Primarily being used for generating RSS feeds on top of Mirror. Built on top of the raw data from arweave where mirror is hosting data. Using Next.js and Prisma under the hood.

Live Site - https://mirror.cjpais.com

NOTE: It looks like everything is broken at the moment, however there should be some good info here regardless, just don't expect the endpoints to behave. When I get a chance I will be updating it


  1. git clone git@github.com:cjpais/mirror-api.git
  2. yarn install
  3. yarn dev
  4. Visit https://localhost:3000


/api/rss - Demo

Generates an RSS feed for the latest posts from the entire Mirror site. Plug this into your RSS reader :)

Publishers (Publications)

Publisher Type:

  id: number;       // id of publication
  name: string;     // name of publication
  link: string;     // link to publication (<name>.mirror.xyz)
  createdAt: Date;  // when this publication was first created

/api/publishers - Demo

Returns a list of Publishers as defined above

/api/publisher/<name> - Demo

Returns a list of all the posts from a publisher. Where name is the name of the publisher on Mirror. This is the subdomain on the Mirror website (ex: g.mirror.xyz => name = g)

/api/publisher/<name>/rss - Demo

Returns an RSS feed for this publisher. Where name is the name of the publisher on Mirror.


Post Type:

  id: number;                       // id of this post
  title: string;                    // title of this post
  content: string;                  // raw content of the post (taken from arweave)
  createdAt: Date;                  // when this post was created in the DB
  publishedAt: Date;                // when this post was published on arweave
  digest: string;                   // the digest of this post from arweave
  link: string;                     // the link to this post (on mirror.xyz)
  originalDigest: string | null;    // the original digest of this post
  publicationName: string;          // the name of the publisher who published this post
  cursor: string;                   // the cursor where this entry is in the arweave query
  arweaveTx: string;                // the transaction on arweave to directly look the post up (arweave.net/arweaveTx)

/api/posts/latest/ - Demo

Returns the latest 10 posts from Mirror.

/api/posts/latest/<number> - Demo

Returns the latest number posts from Mirror.


If you are interested in how the DB is built, it all comes from arweave. This query will do the trick ;)


query PaginatedTransactions($cursor: String) {
    tags: { name: "App-Name", values: ["MirrorXYZ"] }
    first: 100
    sort: HEIGHT_DESC
    after: $cursor
  ) {
    edges {
      node {
        block {