
A web app for receiving local voting information via SMS

Primary LanguagePHP

Vote ICT

A service for being an informed voter in the Wichita, KS area.


Primary Goals

  • Receive SMS reminders on important voting dates and information
  • Provide access to important information on local elections and voting

Built With..

  • Laravel
  • Twilio


In addition to the normal Laravel configuration stuff, this application also needs to set a few things:

  • TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN should be your Twilio account credentials, get them from your Twilio Dashboard.
  • TWILIO_FROM_NUMBER should be the Twilio number that messages are sent out from. This must be a number owned by the configured account.
  • TIMEZONE, defaults to America/Chicago, but should be local to wherever this service is used.


The recommended way to get the application running locally is to use Homestead.

Note: if you have a global Homestead setup already, these instructions may not work correctly.

As a quickstart, you can copy Homestead.yaml.example to Homestead.yaml, and update the line pointing to where the voteict code is stored locally. For example, if you installed Homestead into ~/Homestead and your cloned repo is in ~/projects/voteict, you should have a ~/Homestead/Homestead.yaml file with a folders entry like...

    - map: ~/projects/voteict
      to: /home/vagrant/code

Add an /etc/hosts entry for... homestead.local

Within your repo, cp .env.example .env.

Then, run vagrant up, and then the site should be available at localhost:8000. Most commands will need to be run inside the vagrant box, so do vagrant ssh first and cd into ~/code.

$ composer install
$ artisan key:generate
$ artisan migrate
$ artisan db:seed
$ npm i
  • To run tests, run phpunit.
  • To connect to the database, mysql homestead.
  • To follow the logs, use tail -f storage/logs/laravel.log.

To get Twilio receiving messages locally, use ngrok and point your Twilio number's SMS receive endpoint to the ngrok tunnel URL, suffixed with the path /sms/receive.

To test scheduled messages, you can manually run artisan schedule:run from within the code directory inside the vagrant box.

Getting Involved

VoteICT is a project maintained by part of devICT, Wichita's developer community. To get involved, join the devICT Slack!

Also feel free to jump into the issues!