
examples of some of my work

Primary LanguageC++


Some examples of my programming experience


I wrote this analysis code for my PhD research. It contains a number of functions for loading and performing analysis on particle physics data. The headers are imported from the ROOT analysis tool kit.

I have a little object-oriented C++ experience from updates I performed on Monte-Carlo simulations. However, identifying which parts are my own code would now be a challenge. The above work is all my own.

I recently worked on a command-line memory training program, but I'm not sure if I am ready to share it with the world!


Here is a copy of my thesis, which demonstrates the kind of analysis that I was doing and the the attention to detail that I put towards the presentation of the results.

The analysis techniques were performed on random radioactive count data and might be of use for analysing website hits.


An example of the bash script I wrote to copy meta data from one format to another so my photo tagging method would be be compatible on both Mac OS and Windows. For more info see my blog: http://theadventuresofsuperdoc.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/how-do-you-find-your-favourite-photos_9728.html


This is a blog created by following the rubyontails.org Getting Started tutorial


This folder contains Rails apps created following the railsturorial.org website. Very basic examples, but it shows what I was also working on: re-installing rails on my mac and learning a little more about git.


Currently doing level 4

Here is my level three badge! http://www.codeschool.com/users/cjreeve/badges/136