
This regedit script changes the shift+right-click context menu option to open an Ubuntu 18.04 shell in the working directory.


Microsoft recently added a shift+right-click context menu option for opening the default shell in the working directory. While a custom distribution may be set with wslconfig, the shell launched is the default, ugly, bash prompt. Unfortunately, there's no provided method to change this to launch the actual WSL distribution, along with the color coding and settings placed in it. With the right program and arguments placed in the registry, the correct environment can be launched in the working directory.


  1. Change ownership of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\WSL with these instructions. Be sure to select:
  • "Replace owner of subcontainers and objects"
  • "Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object"
  1. (Optional) In the registry file, change "ubuntu1804.exe" to your distribution's executable.
  2. Import/Run the regedit file.


Shift+right-click in a directory and select the "Open Linux Shell Here" option. Your distro should launch in the working directory.

Additional info:

Check the wiki for a project "post-mortem".