web3 challenge

Build a basic front-end that connects to the Ethereum blockchain with a MetaMask wallet, and makes function calls to a smart contract. The app should display your ETH address and balance, along with a button to increment, decrement, and get the count.

You may use React or Angular for the front-end. The smart contract code and the ABI are complete and provided in this repository. You can deploy the smart contract on a local network or use any of those deployed on the testnets. The addresses are provided below.

Testnet Addresses
Ropsten 0x40A10Aa2ee056B2bd6ffAb719aDDBa209b388316
Rinkeby 0x75372E5EE5eB616E7e64156Bcae5294FA8F0c319
Kovan 0xF9723fE6020DF06F3f9069dE9c5B47AF3dC57C2B
Goerli 0x12619997330845Fae4a70CB452918eFE53195B18

User Stories

  • I can connect to my MetaMask wallet and see my address and balance
  • I can increment the counter
  • I can decrement the counter
  • I can get the count