
Unstructured experiments to learn about creating Bash builtins in C.

Primary LanguageCISC LicenseISC

Bash Builtins Project

This project was started as an archive of coding experiments. The first experiments were exercises in understanding how to setup and build Bash builtins. More recent programs are about transferring control back-and-forth between Bash script code and the C-language builtin code.

Exploring the Project

Simply clone the project and run make. The Makefile will generate several shared object libraries (ie compiled object files with an .so extension).

Each Bash builtin library has a corresponding Bash script whose name is derived from the C source file, adding a test_ prefix and discarding the .c extension.

There is a Bash script, test_tests, that cycles through all of the individual test scripts. The order of the test of tests is roughly the order of development, so the more basic tests come first, and more advanced or experimental things come later.

What I Hoped to Accomplish

  • Design commands that run in the same process as the script. Returning values in nameref variables is 10x faster than starting a child process and reading stdout.

  • Deliver a more black-box utility compared with some Bash frameworks, especially like my work in bash_patterns.

  • To be able to create C language objects whose lifetimes can endure and can be managed through Bash script functions.

List of Builtins

  • hellow.c
    My first builtin simply says "hello" and, crucially for starting out: confirms that the builtin is in the same process as the script that calls it, otherwise my potential builtins would forfeit and C performance benefits to the sub process penalty.

  • walk_opts.c and walk_args.c
    contain my first efforts at reading the command line arguments passed to the builtin command.

  • nameref_arg.c
    Simple confirmation that a variable can be accessed through its name, and that changes to the name-accessed variable are visible to the calling script when the builtin terminates.

  • demo_collections.c
    Practice filling arrays and associative arrays with content that the calling script can access upon return. This source file also includes some code for printing an integer in any number base from 2 to 63.

  • read_array.c
    Practice conventions for processing elements of a Bash array.

  • write_array.c
    Confirming that a command can change elements of an array passed to the builtin, and the new values will be visible in the Bash script when the builtin finishes.

  • identify_name.c
    This is not so useful. It was my first attempt at a builtin reporting the details of a named variable. See the show_attributes builtin below.

  • func_callback.c
    Confirmation that a builtin command can invoke a Bash script function.

  • func_callout.c Another exercise in invoking a callback script function. This early attempt is more complicated and verbose than necessary, as later efforts will show.

  • show_attributes.c
    Given the name of a variable, this builtin prints a human-readable accounting of the variable's attributes. Created primarily as a debugging tool for builtin development.

  • func_dissect.c
    This builtin prints a not-very-sophisticated command tree of the function whose name is passed to the builtin. I wrote this program to dig a bit into the anatomy of Bash functions so I can better understand how I might create a function I could return to a script for that script to call back into the builtin.

  • func_iface.c
    The name is a bit misleading. This builtin implements a handle that can be returned to the calling script to be used to call back into the builtin from Bash functions. As a proof of concept, the handle is very simple, with just barely enough utility to prove that the Bash script can manipulate a suspended builtin object. The handle object is created by exploiting the rarely if ever used att_special attribute and casting the interface to char* and saving it to the SHELL_VAR::value member. Since Bash expects the value member to be a simple memory string, this builtin disposes of the interface and sets value to NULL so Bash leaves it alone.

Other Interesting Files

There are a few other files that may be useful:

  • utilities.c
    A non-builtin C source file that includes a few functions that were useful to more than one other builtin. As I gain experience developing builtins, I wanted to isolate the builtin basics from implementation details, thus this file was created.

  • word_list_stack.h
    What a lame name. With object lifetimes limited to the life of the builtin function, I thought it would be interesting to use stack memory to build argument WORD_LISTs. Without reliable inline functions, this requires some tricky macro work, but it was fun to do and useful.

  • FNANE.c.template
    This template file is a boilerplate source file to start a new builtin command. It's not perfect, I will probably update it sometime. Use your editor's search-and-replace utility to change <FNAME> to your builtin function name.

  • Makefile.template
    This Makefile template will compile all .c files into a Bash builtin .so file. The install target installs the .so script to $(PREFIX)/lib and generates an enabler script that helps enable the builtin and installs the enabler script to $(PREFIX)/bin.

    Using the enabler script, a script needing the builtin can enable the builtin with:

    enable $( enable_ate )

    where the ate part of enable_ate would be replaced with the root of the $(TARGET) filename variable in the Makefile.

  • bash_breakpoints.7, bash_builtin.7, and bash_variables.7 These rudimentary man files are mostly aborted attempts to document what I'm learning with this project. I got impatient with trying to write everything I was learning, especially as what I was doing got more complicated.