
indexed man: Bash application that shows and allows jumps to a man page's section titles.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Project iman

A 99% pure Bash utility that presents an indexed access to man pages.

Given a request for a man page, the utility builds the index from the section heads and subheads found in the groff code of the man page file. It accesses each index item by specifying a search via pass-through arguments to the less pager utility.


Assuming setup as recommended below, usage is simple: simply type iman followed by the desired manpage. You can specify the section as an argument, an extension, or in parentheses:

iman 3 printf
iman printf.3
iman printf\(3\)
iman 'printf(3)'

There are no other options for now.

If the page is found, iman will display a list of *Section Heads_. Open a section by selecting the selection with the arrow keys and pressing ENTER. Alternately, the user can type the highlighted letter of the desired section. The section opens immediately if the highlighted letter is unique for the page, or it will cycle through sections with the same highlighted letter, after which the user presses ENTER to open the highlighted section.


Installation is a two-step process because this project depends on another of my projects.


To avoid including sudo installation commands, the following instructions assume the following:

  • The installation system includes a ~/.local directory with ~/.local/bin and ~/.local/opt subdirectories.

  • The installation system path includes a reference to ~/.local/bin which will make an executable file there accessible without specifying the path.

  • People reading this page will know how to adjust these assumptions to suit their needs.

Step 1: Download iman and supporting project

user@host:~$ cd .local/opt
user@host:~/.local/opt$ git clone www.github.com/cjungmann/iman.git
user@host:~/.local/opt$ git clone www.github.com/cjungmann/bash_patterns.git

Step 2: Create resource link

user@host:~/.local/opt$ cd iman
user@host:~/.local/opt/iman$ ln -s ../bash_patterns/sources sources

Step 3: Create executable link

user@host:~/.local/opt/iman$ cd ~/.local/bin
user@host:~/.local/bin$ cp -s ../opt/iman/iman .


This project builds on another project of mine that enables a text user interface entirely built in Bash.

The project is bash_patterns. This project uses the sources directory of bash_patterns.

I thought about trying to make iman self-sufficient, but the scope of bash_patterns is bigger than I wanted to duplicate.


This project started as a survey project, and the tools still exists to rerun a survey, despite refactoring breaking the original survey. ms_read is broken, but kept for posterity.

While playing with the code and the results, I remembered a more useful idea I had about indexing long man mages. That prompted a name change to iman for indexed man.