Auto Close & Surround Punctuations

This is a Visual Studio IDE extension. Download it from Marketplace.


To avoid errors, be sure to disable the default behavior of Visual Studio. Go to Menu > Tools > Options, find these options and uncheck the box:

Automatic brace completion


Automatically surround selection when typing quotes or brackets

The extension brings VSCode's Punctuations "Auto Surround" feature and fixes "Auto Close" bug.

Here is "Auto Surround" feature:


You could argue that Visual Studio already has this functionality built in, but it's not quite suitable because it can't do this:


Also this extension fixes "Auto Close" bug in Visual Studio; Here is the bug:


and this is correct behavier:


P.S. This extension is a clone of AutoSurround, but the author did not receive my pull request, so I decided to add functionality and create a new extension.