
Quix Utilities

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Quix Utilities

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A suite of tools and utilities to assist with C# development. The toolset contains the following projects:

  • Extensions Extensions.dll contains extension methods that enhance existing C# classes thus making life easier for developers. The following classes have been extended: System.Diagnostics.Process System.String System.Text.StringBuilder with these methods:

    • Elevate()

      Restarts the current process with elevated permissions.
      For example:
      will restart the current console app in admin mode.

    • GetUrlRoot()

      Get the URL root for the given string object containing a URL.
      For example:
      will return "https://cjvandyk.sharepoint.com" whereas
      will also return "https://cjvandyk.sharepoint.com".

    • IsAlphabetic()

      Validates that the given string object contains all alphabetic characters (a-z and A-Z) returning True if it does and False if it doesn't. For example:
      will return True whereas
      will return False.

    • IsNumeric()

      Validates that the given string object contains all numeric characters (0-9) returning True if it does and False if it doesn't. For example:
      will return True whereas
      will return False.

    • IsAlphaNumeric()

      Validates that the given string object contains all alphabetic and/or numeric characters (a-z and A-Z and 0-9) returning True if it does and False if it doesn't. For example:
      will return True whereas
      will also return True and
      will also return True but
      will return False.

    • IsChar()

      This method takes a char[] as one of its arguments against which the given string object is validated. If the given string object contains only characters found in the char[] it will return True, otherwise it will return False. For example:
      "aacc".IsChar(new char[] {'a', 'c'})
      will return True whereas
      "abc123".IsChar(new char[] {'a', 'c'})
      will return False.

    • IsUrlRoot()

      Check if the given string object containing a URL, is that of the
      URL root only. Returns True if so, False if not.
      For example:
      will return True whereas
      will return False.

    • Lines()

      This method returns the number of lines/sentences in the given string object.

    • LoremIpsum()

      Poplates the given string with a given number of paragraphs of dummy
      text in the lorem ipsum style e.g.
      would yield:
      "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer aliquam arcu rhoncus erat consectetur, quis rutrum augue tincidunt. Suspendisse elit ipsum, lobortis lobortis tellus eu, vulputate fringilla lorem. Cras molestie nibh sed turpis dapibus sollicitudin ut a nulla. Suspendisse blandit suscipit egestas. Nunc et ante mattis nulla vehicula rhoncus. Vivamus commodo nunc id ultricies accumsan. Mauris vitae ante ut justo venenatis tempus.

      Nunc posuere, nisi eu convallis convallis, quam urna sagittis ipsum, et tempor ante libero ac ex. Aenean lacus mi, blandit non eros luctus, ultrices consectetur nunc. Vivamus suscipit justo odio, a porta massa posuere ac. Aenean varius leo non ipsum porttitor eleifend. Phasellus accumsan ultrices massa et finibus. Nunc vestibulum augue ut bibendum facilisis. Donec est massa, lobortis quis molestie at, placerat a neque. Donec quis bibendum leo. Pellentesque ultricies ac odio id pharetra. Nulla enim massa, lacinia nec nunc nec, egestas pulvinar odio. Sed pulvinar molestie justo, eu hendrerit nunc blandit eu. Suspendisse et sapien quis ipsum scelerisque rutrum."

    • ReplaceTokens()

      Takes a given string object and replaces 1 to n tokens in the string with replacement tokens as defined in the given Dictionary of strings.

    • Words()

      This method returns the number of words used in the given string object. For example:
      "This is my test".Words()
      will return 4 whereas
      will return 1.

  • Quix.Core Quix.Core contains common useful methods such as:

    • public static void writeConsoleError(string errorMessage)

      Used to capture the current console foreground color, change it to red, write the error message and then change the foreground color back to the original color.

    • public static string getExecutingAssemblyFileName(bool noSpacesInFileName = true)

      Used to get the full folder path and name of the currently executing assembly.

    • public static string htmlStrip(string url)

      Used to get a log file usable string of the current HTML URI by stripping off "https://" or "http://", replacing forward slash ( / ) with underscore ( _ ) and spaces with dash ( - ).

    • public static string timeStamp()

      Used to get a string representation of the current date/time stamp in the format "yyyy-MM-dd@hh.mm.ss.ttt" ex. "2019-07-18@

    • public static Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey getRegistryKey(string registryPath)

      Used to get a given Registry key based on the path e.g. "@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP.

    • private static string getDotNET45PlusVersion()

      Private method used by getDotNETVersion() to get the .NET version on the current computer when the version is 4.5 or later.

    • private static string convert45PlusVersion(int versionNumber)

      Used to convert the .NET build number into a human recognizable .NET version.

    • public static string getDotNETVersion()

      Used to get the .NET version on the current computer.

  • Quix.ThreadSafe Quix.ThreadSafe contains methods designed for working with Dictionary objects in a thread-safe manner. The class contains methods such as:

    • public static object Get(string key, ref Dictionary<string, object> dictionary, int timeout = 60000)

      Used to get an object from the referenced Dictionary given it's key string.

    • public static string Set(ref object value, string key, ref Dictionary<string, object> dictionary, int timeout = 60000)

      Used to update an object in the referenced Dictionary given an object reference.

    • public static string Add(ref object value, string key, ref Dictionary<string, object> dictionary, int timeout = 60000)

      Used to add a referenced object to the referenced Dictionary using it's key string.

    • public static string Remove(string key, ref Dictionary<string, object> dictionary, int timeout = 60000)

      Used to remove an object from the referenced Dictionary given it's key string.

  • Quix.File

  • Quix.Logging

  • Quix.Testing