The merge of convenience and cool!
Hovercraft! is a tool to make impress.js presentations from reStructuredText. For a quick explanation, see the demo.
- Write your presentations in a text markup language. No slow, limiting GUI, no annoying HTML!
- Pan, rotate and zoom in 3D, with automatic repositioning of slides!
- A presenter console with notes and slide previews!
- The slide show generated is in HTML, so you only need a web browser to show it.
- Easy sharing, as it can be put up on a website for anyone to see!
Full documentation is available at, and also in the documentation subdirectory.
Hovercraft! was written by Lennart Regebro <>, and is licensed as CC-0, except for the following:
is (c) Michael Alyn Miller <> and published under a BSD-style license included in reST.xsl itself.impress.js
is (c) Bartek Szopka (@bartaz) released under MIT and GPL licenses. See the impress.js page for more information.
Other contributors (see CHANGES.txt for details):
- Carl Meyer [carljm]