
Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION




workflow.pacta is an R package (and associated Docker image) that runs the PACTA audit and analysis phases (but not the report generation phase, which is covered by workflow.pacta.report).

workflow.pacta can be used locally, or through the docker image. The Docker image is publicly available via GitHub container registry. For more information, see Invoking the Docker image, below


In order to run workflow.pacta, you must have:

You must also prepare a JSON string specifying the portfolio parameters, which optionally may be written to a file. See Parameters below.

Invoking the Docker image

The docker image can be run either via docker, or more easily docker-compose, as the docker-compose.yml file has the appropriate mounts and envvars set.

By default, docker-compose.yml will build the image locally (if needed). The compose file by default looks for PACTA-data at ./pacta-data, portfolios at ./portfolios, and outputs result files to ./outputs.

If you already have those directories set up, then you can invoke:

docker-compose up

and the process will run from there.

Using the ghcr.io images

Rather than building the docker image locally (which may take several minutes), you can instead opt to use a prebuilt docker image. To do this, either replace build: . in docker-compose.yml with image: ghcr.io/rmi-pacta/workflow.pacta:main, or run using docker, and specifying the volume mounts as needed.

GitHub Actions is configured to build images from main (with the main tag), and from pull request branches (with the pr-## tags). No latest tag is published.


Application configuration is handled via environment variables.

Defaults are set in the Docker image as targets for bind volumes, but may be overridden.

The Environment Variables that control the application are:

  • PACTA_DATA_DIR: (default /mnt/pacta-data) Path where PACTA-data is located. Can be set to an output directory from workflow.data.preparation.
  • ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR: (default /mnt/analysis_output_dir) Path where output files from the workflow will be written.
  • PORTFOLIO_DIR: (default /mnt/portfolios) Path where Portfolio CSV files are stored.
  • LOG_LEVEL: (default INFO) Controls verbosity of logging. Accepts standard log4j levels (UPPERCASE).



Using Docker images pushed to GHCR automatically by GH Actions


docker run -it --rm \
  --network none \
  --pull=always \
  --platform linux/amd64 \
  --mount type=bind,readonly,source=${data_dir},target=/pacta-data \
  --mount type=bind,source=${analysis_output_dir},target=/analysis_output_dir \
  --mount type=bind,source=${input_dir},target=/input_dir \