Data wrangler #rstats #r-pkgs #dataviz #d3 https://cjyetman.r-universe.dev
RMIBerlin, Germany
cjyetman's Following
- adighermanBiostatistics Department @ Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
- batpigandme@tidyverse
- bcaffoJohns Hopkins University Department of Biostatistics
- cboettigUC Berkeley
- cdervhttps://posit.co
- ColinFay@ThinkR-open
- data-cleaning
- DavisVaughan@posit-dev
- dicookMonash University
- etiennebacherLuxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
- ff6347@hbk-bs
- forwards
- ggobi
- hilaryparkerSan Francisco, CA
- javierluraschihal9ai
- jmcphersPosit Software, PBC
- jonthegeek@dslc-io
- jtleekSeattle, WA
- lcolladotor@LieberInstitute
- lorenzwalthert@ponte-energy-partners
- mbostock@observablehq
- muschellij2Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Nicky-HaltermanRMI
- NilsEnevoldsen
- noamrossrOpenSci
- os-climate
- r-lib
- r4ds
- ramnathvDataCamp
- russellsamora@the-pudding
- schloerke@posit-dev @rstudio
- Silicon-Ally
- technologiestiftungBerlin, Germany
- ThinkR-openFrance
- z3ttIndependent Contractor
- zaneselvans@catalyst-cooperative