
Gradle plugin for generating Apiary document stubs for a spring mvc project

Primary LanguageGroovy

Apiary Stub Generator Gradle Plugin for Spring MVC projects


Gradle plugin that can be used on Spring MVC Web service projects for generating Apiary blueprint documents. It is meant to non-intrusive and parses Spring projects that use JavaConfig, bootstraping the documentation of your APIs.

Gradle Configuration

To use the plugin you will need the following in your build.gradle:

Tell Gradle to include the plugin in your build classpath

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath group:"com.in3k8.gradle.plugins", name: "apiary-springmvc-stub", version:"0.1-SNAPSHOT"

Apply the plugin

apply plugin: "apiary-springmvc-stub"


gradle generateSpringMVCStub (gS for short)