
A Dutch Auction Platform to issue new ERC20 tokens

Primary LanguageTypeScript


1. Introduction

This is a Dev Project submission for NTU CX4153 Blockchain Technology course

Team Members

  • Chantharojwong Kasidis (U2020731L)
  • Chen Yi (U2121925C)
  • Kunthamas Donchada (U2123242J)

2. Project Structure

2.1. Folder structure

  • apps directory
    • apps/hardhat = Hardhat project for developing and deploying smart contracts
      • apps/hardhat/contracts = Smart contracts written in Solidity
      • apps/hardhat/test = Tests written with ethers and chai
    • apps/web = Next.js frontend for interacting with smart contracts

2.2. Smart Contracts Architecture

BlockDutch Smart Contracts

3. How to interact with our deployed frontend (Auction Factory is deployed in Sepolia testnet)

  1. visit https://blockdutch.ckasidis.com to view the deployed frontend.
  2. connect to your wallet with metamask, coinbase wallet, or injected connector.
  3. switch your network to Sepolia testnet

4. How to start project locally

4.1. Install node dependencies

run the following command in the root of this project:

npm install

4.2. Compile smart contracts

run the following command in the root of this project:

npm run compile

4.3. Deploy Auction Factory contract

  1. start local hardhat network by running the following command in the root directory of this project:
    npm run node
  2. In a new terminal session, deploy the Auction Factory contract to local hardhat network by running the following command in the root directory of this project:
    npm run deploy:local

4.4. Interact with Frontend

  1. in the .env file in the root directory of this project, set NEXT_PUBLIC_AUCTION_FACTORY_ADDRESS environment variable to the auction factory address printed from the previous step. For example:

  2. start frontend dev server by running the following command in the root directory of this project:

    npm run dev
  3. visit http://localhost:3000/auctions to view the frontend.

  4. connect to your wallet with metamask, coinbase wallet, or injected connector.

  5. switch your network to localhost (local hardhat network)

5. How to deploy this project to Sepolia testnet by yourself

5.1. Install node dependencies

run the following command in the root of this project:

npm install

5.2. Compile smart contracts

run the following command in the root of this project:

npm run compile

5.3. Deploy Auction Factory contract

  1. in the .env file in the root directory of this project, set SEPOLIA_GATEWAY_URL and SEPOLIA_PRIVATE_KEY environment variables. For example:
  2. deploy the Auction Factory contract to Sepolia testnet by running the following command in the root directory of this project:
    npm run deploy:sepolia

5.4. Deploy the Frontend

Deploy the frontend Next.js app with NEXT_PUBLIC_AUCTION_FACTORY_ADDRESS and NEXT_PUBLIC_ALCHEMY_API_KEY environment variables.

5.5. Interacting with the frontend

  1. visit your deployed frontend.
  2. connect to your wallet with metamask, coinbase wallet, or injected connector.
  3. switch your network to Sepolia testnet

6. Important available commands in root directory

# Hardhat

# compile smart contracts developed with Hardhat (apps/hardhat/contracts)
npm run compile
# deploy Auction Factory contract to local hardhat network
npm run deploy:local
# deploy Auction Factory contract to Sepolia testnet
npm run deploy:sepolia
# start local hardhat network
npm run node
# test smart contracts
npm run test
# test smart contracts with gas report
npm run test:report-gas

# Frontend

# build frontend
npm run build
# start frontend dev server
npm run dev
# run linter
npm run lint
# run linter fix
npm run lint:fix

# Other commands

# run git commit
npm run commit
# run prettier check
npm run format:check
# run prettier fix
npm run format:fix