
Primary LanguageSMTBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


1. Overview

This manual briefly summarizes the following flows to generate (i) SMT formulation file (.smt2 file) and (ii) solution files to review the cell layout result. With the given standard cell information inputs (.pinLayout file) which are extracted from the ASAP7 PDK library[1], our flow generates the SMT formulation. We provide a solution viewer to validate the transistor placement and in-cell routing result of the SMT formulation. We employ Z3 (Ver. 4.8.5) [2] as our SMT solver. Please find more details from our papers [3, 4].

2. Our Tool-Chain Scripts and Commands with User-Specified Options

Our tool-chain scripts are written in Perl. SMT solver is Z3 (Ver. 4.8.15). For the information of the Z3 solver, please visit the following link: https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3

  • Z3 Solver has been frequently updated. We recommend to use the specific version V4.8.15

(1) Input Standard Cell Information (.pinlayout)

We provide 30 representative standard cell information which are extracted from the ASAP7 PDK library [1]. The list of standard cells is as follows.

AND2x2 AND3x1 AND3x2 AOI21x1 AOI22x1 BUFx2
NAND3x2 NOR2x1 NOR2x2 NOR3x1 NOR3x2 OAI21x1
OAI22x1 OR2x2 OR3x1 OR3x2 XNOR2x1 XOR2x1

(2) SMT Formulation Generation (genSMTinput_VFET_Ver1.0.pl)


$ ./scripts/genSMTInput_VFET_Ver1.0.pl [inputfile_pinLayout] [#Tier] [MPO] [BreakingSymmetry] [CellPartition] [Localization] [Tolerance]
  • [inputfile_pinLayout] : path for input pinLayout (ex: pinLayouts_T1~T4/AND2x2.pinLayout)

  • [#Tier] : Number of Tier, 1~4 (integer)

  • [MPO] : Minimum Pin Opening parameter (integer)

  • [BreakingSymmetry] : Breaking Symmetry – 0:disable, 1:enable

  • [CellPartition] : Cell Partitioning – 0:disable, 1:enable To enable Cell Partitioning Feature, partitioning information should be specified in pinLayout inputs. Please refer to the sample pinLayout (DFFHQNx1.pinLayout). The partitioning info is described in “i ===PartitionInfo===” section.

  • [Localization] : Localization – 0:disable, 1:enable

  • [Tolerance] : Offset Margin for Localization (integer)

  • Please refer our papers [3, 4] for further detailed information of each input parameters.

  • Cell Partitioning and Breaking Symmetry options can not be used at the same time.

[Example] Generating the SMT formulation file (.smt2) for the Tier2 AND2x2 standard cell “AND2x2.pinLayout” with the design rule parameters used in [4].

$ ./scripts/genSMTInput_VFET_Ver1.0.pl pinLayouts_T2/AND2x2.pinLayout 2 2 1 0 1 1

This will create “AND2x2_T2.smt2” file in the inputsSMT directory. For the .smt2 file format, please visit the following link: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-SMT-LIB-Standard-Version-2.0-Barrett-Stump/ae4ff80d08627cc4e242968fa8059d9b49bf0d55

  • In our work [4], we set different parameters for combinational and sequential logic cells due to the use of cell partitioning feature for the sequential logic cells. Please refer to the pre-described command list (cmd_gen_smt) for the parameters applied to each cell in [4].

(3) RUN SMT Solver (Z3)

[Usage] SMT Solving & Storing solution.

$ z3 inputsSMT/[inputFile(.smt2)] > RUN/[solutionName(.z3)]

[Example] Running “AND2x2_T2.smt2” file and storing the result “AND2x2_T2.z3” to the output directory.

$ z3 inputsSMT/AND2x2_T2.smt2 > RUN/AND2x2_T2.z3

(4) Solution Converter (convSMTResult_Ver1.0.pl)


$ ./scripts/convSMTResult_Ver1.0.pl [solPath/solutionName] [inputFile_pinLayout(w/o file extension)]"

[Example] Converting “AND2x2_T2.z3” output file generated from the input pinLayout “AND2x2.pinLayout” to the solution output directory

$ ./scripts/convSMTResult_Ver1.0.pl RUN/AND2x2_T2.z3 AND2x2

This will create “[solutionName].conv” file in the solutionsSMT directory.

The converted solution files (.conv) can be reviewed using an excel-based solution viewer. (SolutionViewer_VFET.xlsm)

(5) Pre-described Command Lists

There are “cmd_conv_solution”, “cmd_gen_smt” files which consist of command lists to generate and convert the whole standard cells provided in this package. You can refer to these command file to modify the parameters or execute each cell generation or sourcing the list file to execute all cases.

3. References

[1] V. Vashishtha, M. Vangala, and L. T. Clark, “ASAP7 predictive design kit development and cell design technology co-optimization,” in 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 992–998, IEEE, 2017

[2] Z3, SMT Solver, https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3.

[3] D. Lee, D. Park, C.-T. Ho, I. Kang, H. Kim, S. Gao, B. Lin, C.-K. Cheng, "SP&R: SMT-based Simultaneous Place- &- Route for Standard Cell Synthesis of Advanced Nodes", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020

[4] D. Lee, C-T Ho, I. Kang, S. Gao, B. Lin, and C.-K. Cheng, “Many-Tier Vertical Gate-All-Around Nanowire FET Standard Cell Synthesis for Advanced Technology Nodes”, IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits, 2021