
Primary LanguageJava


Chris Kelly Chris Lewis Zack Allen CS6250 Fall 2006 Semester Project

Welcome to ZCC, the transparent tcp stream encryption suite. ZCC runs on Linux with
iptables and can be used on clients or servers, or on proxy machines. A few 
important things to remember:

-ZCC only works with ipv4. It should be fairly easy to modify it to work with ipv6
 but we did not have time.
-ZCC has a lot of components but only several of them are required to run. Read
 this full document to get an understanding of the components and decide which
 parts you need.

0. Some requirements

The primary component of ZCC is the packet_processor. This requires a Linux kernel
with support (compiled in or as a module) for the ip_queue interface.  This is
required for ZCC operation.

The current encryption method in use is diffie-hellman. It requires the OpenSSL 
library for compilation. This is required for ZCC operation unless you implement
another encryption solution.

The daemon to maintain configuration rules for iptables is zccconfigd.pl This is
a perl file and it requires the XML::Simple module which can be easilly installed
from CPAN.

The configuration GUI for the xml configuration file for the iptables rules requires 
atleast Java 1.4.2 with GUI support. It may work with older systems but is untested.

The PKI server requires a server with PHP and Apache. It includes some .inc files for
XMLRPC support that are only needed if your PHP installation doesn't have these files.

1. Basic Flow

This describes the basic flow of ZCC. This is for the current implementation utilizing
a specific set of components, there are other ways of running ZCC.

First, the configuration tool is used to create an XML file of server and client rules
for a machine. This is done on both machines that wish to communicate. Then, the ZCC
configuration daemon is launched to load the rules into iptables. DHServer is started
to listen to negotiation requests for DH keys on each machine, and the packet_processor
is started on each machine to handle the packets. Thats it!

For example:  machine A is running an unencrypted webserver, and machine B is using
a web browser. They are configured as described above and all the daemons are running.
When A types in the url for B in their web browser, iptables on A redirect the packets
to the ip_queue where packet_processor reads them. packet_processor calls encrypt on
the outgoing packets, and the current encryption tool then calls DHClient to negotiate
a diffie-hellman key with B.  The DHServer on B responds and the machines negotiate a
shared secret. packet_processor then encrypts the packet, passes it back to ip_queue, 
and sends it on it's way.  When machine B received the packet, ip_queue passes it to
packet_processor which decrypts the packet and sends it back to ip_queue. ip_queue then
finally accepts the packet where it is received by the webserver on B. When the webserver
responds, the same process repeats but with B doing the encryption and A doing the

As far as the client and server applications know, they are speaking in cleartext but
all traffic visibile on the network is encrypted!

2. Getting it Running

-have iptables running with the ip_queue module loaded into your kernel
-have your server running 
-create the XML config file either by hand or with the config tool, here's an example:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
        <service name = "My Telnet Server" host = ""  
		port = "23" type = "server" scheme = "AES-1024"  
		encrypt = "true" />
	<service name = "My Web Server" host = ""
		port = "80" type = "server" scheme = "AES-1024"
		encrypt = "true" />

-launch the configuration daemon


-launch the diffie-hellman server. It will store keys in zcc/keys/. Edit DHClienet.cpp,
  HandleTCPClient.cpp, and zccencryption.cpp if you wish to change this location

	cd diffie-helman && make && ./DHServer

-launch the packet_processor

	cd packetprocessor && make && ./packet_processor

-try out your applications!

-if things don't play nicely, you can change the #define DEBUG in several of the source
 files and recompile the programs. This will print out a _lot_ of debug information that
 may or may not be useful.

-to install the PKI server (currently not used for encryption), load the zcc_create.sql 
 file in adminserver into your mysql installation, copy the files into a directory on your
 web server, and secure the directory using HTTP authentication. It exposes an xml-rpc
 meethod for getting public keys with as well as an HTML gui for managing public keys 
 on the server.

3. Making changes
-To add or change a service, either edit the xml file by hand or use the configuration GUI.
 Then, just send a HUP signal to the configuration daemon to have it update the rules in
 iptables ("kill -HUP `pidof zccconfigd.pl`" may do the trick).  This will ensure that
 no packets are dropped when iptables is being reconfigured. All other components of the
 system can be left running and they will automatically work with any service changes!

-in the configuraiton gui. to run it, type
	make && java KeyClient

	Click the 'Add Entry' button to enable encryption for a new
        service. Select a service, host, port number, service type, and
        encryption scheme, and click the 'Submit' button. If any desired
        selections are unavailable, they can be added with the
        appropriate 'Add xxx' button.

	Encryption for a particular entry can be toggled from the main
        menu by highlighting it and clicking the 'Toggle Selected'

        Entries can be removed altogether by highlighting them and then
        clicking the 'Remove Selected' button.

        Settings can be committed by clicking the 'Export to XML' button.
        The ZCC Daemon must be sent a HUP signal, however, before
        the new setttings will take effect.

4. Some notes
We left some files in the "unused" folder that may be useful to people implementing things
on top of ZCC. PacketFragmentation should support fragementing packets when a packet size
is increased over the MTU as a result of the encryption method. get_key is used to use
xmlrpc in C to get a public key from the PKI server.