
A new Flutter package project for feedback view.

Primary LanguageDartOtherNOASSERTION


A new Flutter package project for feedback view.

How to use?


FeedbackView(listener: (Status status) {},);

Custom Size and Padding

    iconSize: 48,
    iconPadding: EdgeInsets.all(16),
    listener: (Status status) {},

Custom Icon and Text

    iconSize: 48,
    iconPadding: EdgeInsets.all(16),
    listener: (Status status) {},
    negativeIcon: Icons.flight_takeoff,
    neutralIcon: Icons.flight,
    positiveIcon: Icons.flight_land,
    negativeText: 'Take off',
    neutralText: 'Stable',
    positiveText: 'Landing',
    defaultText: 'Flight Status',

Use this package as a library

  1. Depend on it Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
  feedback_widget: ^0.0.6
  1. Install it You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter:
$ flutter pub get

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more. 3. Import it Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:feedback_widget/feedback_widget.dart';