Flutter Solid Principles

S — The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP):


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: new Scaffold(
          body: FutureBuilder(
              future: getFeedsFromApi(),
              builder: (context,  snapshot) {
                    case ConnectionState.waiting:
                      return EmptySpendsPage();
                    case ConnectionState.none:
                      return EmptySpendsPage();
                    case ConnectionState.active:
                      return EmptySpendsPage();
                    case ConnectionState.done:
                      return ListView.builder(
                          itemCount: snapshot.data == null ? 0 : snapshot.data.length,
                          itemBuilder: (context, position) {
                            FeedItem feedItem = snapshot.data[position];
                            return null;



  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: BlocBuilder<FeedsBloc, FeedsState>(
          bloc: bloc,
          builder: (BuildContext context, FeedsState feedState) {
            if (feedState is FeedsLoading) {
              return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
            } else if (feedState is FeedsError) {
              return Text('Ayo! Error');
            } else if (feedState is FeedsLoaded) {
              return FeedList(feeds: feedState.feedItems);
            return Container(
                color: Colors.orangeAccent,
                height: double.infinity,
                width: double.infinity);

O — The Open-Closed Principle (OCP)


void main() {
    MileageCalculator mileageCalculator = new MileageCalculator();
    mileageCalculator.showMileage(new Bike());

class MileageCalculator {
    void showMileage(dynamic anyVehicle) {
      if(anyVehicle is Bike) {
      } else if(anyVehicle is Car) {

class Bike {
    String getBikeMileage() => "50";

class Car {
    String getCarMileage() => "12";


void main() {
    MileageCalculator mileageCalculator = new MileageCalculator();
    mileageCalculator.showMileage(new Car());

class MileageCalculator {
    void showMileage(Vehicle vehicle) {

class Bike extends Vehicle {
    String getMileage() => "50";

class Car extends Vehicle {
    String getMileage() => "12";

abstract class Vehicle {
  String getMileage();

L - The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)


void main() {
    StatelessWidget adapter = new StatelessWidget();
    adapter.select(new RadioButtonWidget());

class StatelessWidget {
    void select(ClickListener clickListener) {
        if (clickListener is ListItemWidget) { 
        } else if (clickListener is RadioButtonWidget) {

mixin ClickListener {
    void onClick(int position);

class ListItemWidget implements ClickListener {
    void onClick(int position){
       print("Clicked list item $position");
    void changeTheBackground() {
       print("Change the background color of the item view");

class RadioButtonWidget implements ClickListener {
    void onClick(int position){
       print("Clicked radio button $position");
    void check() {
       print("Enable the radio button");


void main() {
    StatelessWidget adapter = new StatelessWidget();
    adapter.select(new RadioButtonWidget());

class StatelessWidget {
    void select(ClickListener clickListener) {

mixin ClickListener {
    void onClick(int position);

class ListItemWidget implements ClickListener {
    void onClick(int position){
        print("Clicked list item $position");
    void _changeTheBackground() {
       print("Change the background color of the item view");

class RadioButtonWidget implements ClickListener {
    void onClick(int position){
       print("Clicked radio button $position");
    void _check() {
       print("Enable the radio button");

I — The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP):


class ImageViewWidget with OnClickListener {
   void onImageClick(int position) {
        // Yes, I have received a callback, go to the next activity.
        print("Clicked position is $position");
   void onRadioButtonClick(int position) {
        // This is no longer needed for this activity, but still I have been implemented for no use...

 mixin OnClickListener {
    void onImageClick(int position);
    void onRadioButtonClick(int position);


class ImageViewWidget with OnImageClickListener {
   void onImageClick(int position) {
        // Yes, I have received a callback, go to the next activity.
        print("Clicked position is $position");

 mixin OnImageClickListener {
    void onImageClick(int position);
 mixin OnRadioButtonClickListener {
    void onRadioButtonClick(int position);

D - The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)


class RepositoryImpl {
  List<FeedItem> getDataFromApi() {
    // do your api call
  List<FeedItem> getDataFromCache() {
    // get the data from the database


class RepositoryImpl {
  RemoteDataSource remoteDataSource;
  LocalDataSource locaDataSource;
  RepositoryImpl(this.remoteDataSource, this.locaDataSource);

abstract class RemoteDataSource {
  List<FeedItem> getDataFromApi();

abstract class LocalDataSource {
  List<FeedItem> getDataFromCache();

class RemoteDataSourceImpl extends RemoteDataSource{
  // Lets assume this class has an access to http client
  List<FeedItem> getDataFromApi(){
        // do your api call

class LocalDataSourceImpl extends LocalDataSource {
    // Lets assume this class has an access to database instance
  List<FeedItem> getDataFromCache(){
        // get the data from the database