You Cook I Eat

SOEN 357 - User Interface Design

Winter 2024 Project Submission

Detailed Instructions on How to Run the Code

To run the You Cook I Eat web application, follow these simple steps:

  1. Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine.
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. Change directory to the project folder:
    cd you-cook-i-eat
  4. Install the necessary dependencies:
    npm install
  5. Start the application:
    npm start

The application should now be running locally on your browser at http://localhost:3000.

Note: The application is already accessible and hosted online at


You Cook I Eat is an innovative web application designed as part of the coursework for SOEN 357 - User Interface Design at Concordia University. Our aim is to create a user-friendly and engaging platform that supports and promotes local food businesses, allowing them to connect with customers and offer a unique and personal food purchasing experience.

Team Members and Roles

Name Student ID Role
Eric Tan 40208502 Project Lead
Kevin Yang 40214231 DUI/UX Designer
Chris El-Kehdy 40208593 Data Analyst
Binal Patel 40212973 Backend Developer
Tiffany Tran 40210679 Frontend Developer
Louis-Charles Marquis 40177137 Quality Assurance

Project Overview

The "You Cook I Eat" platform is designed to address the challenges local food businesses face in the current market, such as limited exposure, high platform fees, and difficulty in establishing genuine connections with customers. Our solution is a personalized marketplace that not only showcases local cuisine but also facilitates direct interactions between vendors and food lovers.


Savor the Connection

This encapsulates our mission to enhance the local food ecosystem by creating meaningful interactions and ensuring local businesses are seen, heard, and patronized in a competitive online market.

Course Details

  • Course: SOEN 357 - User Interface Design
  • Term: Winter 2024
  • Institution: Concordia University