- 2
Editor issue
#307 opened by sagarbvora - 0
Version issue
#306 opened by sagarvora-10 - 7
Throws an error regarding version is not secure
#304 opened by connectaryal - 1
Ckeditors are rendered as hidden during tests when testing with react testing libraries
#305 opened by M-Ravilal - 2
ckeditor4-react is not working with next js
#301 opened by Rahulk4128 - 1
Configuration of character limit
#300 opened by fsyud - 1
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 0
Investigate test flakiness
#293 opened by MMMalik - 0
- 3
- 1
Release version 4.0.0.
#289 opened by Betakaro - 5
Ensure that package works correctly with React 18
#284 opened by MMMalik - 0
Possibility to run a sample from the project root
#249 opened by MMMalik - 0
Update samples post publish
#250 opened by MMMalik - 0
Upgrade Nightwatch to 2.1.x
#287 opened by MMMalik - 1
Unable to run E2E tests locally
#222 opened by f1ames - 1
Add API section in docs for React API
#225 opened by sculpt0r - 1
Nightwatch fails on IE11
#285 opened by MMMalik - 1
Please help me error no connect editor
#283 opened by quyphan97 - 0
Bump CKEditor to 4.18.0
#282 opened by jacekbogdanski - 1
editorUrl prop weird behaviour
#278 opened by daniel-MELI - 0
Bump CKEditor to 4.17.2
#276 opened by jacekbogdanski - 1
Update nightwatch to v2
#258 opened by MMMalik - 1
Toolbar Items Configuration Doesn't Work
#265 opened by machineghost - 1
OnChange event doesn't work
#262 opened by dehghani-mehdi - 1
- 0
Bump CKEditor to 4.17.1
#261 opened by jacekbogdanski - 1
Add sample with React Router
#247 opened by jacekbogdanski - 1
Security reports for samples
#259 opened by MMMalik - 1
Update `react-router` in `samples/router`
#255 opened by Comandeer - 0
Fix 'Lifting state up' example in docs
#252 opened by MMMalik - 1
CKEditor CDN is down
#253 opened by neutraali - 2
- 0
Update CKEditor 4 deps to 4.16.2
#244 opened by jacekbogdanski - 5
TypeError: b.getEditor is not a function
#239 opened by Egor-Lee - 2
Release React v2 stable
#229 opened by f1ames - 7
- 2
Add sample for `editorUrl`
#235 opened by MMMalik - 2
initData incorrectly encoded in source mode
#228 opened by danhickman - 1
Add links to forkable samples
#223 opened by MMMalik - 1
Release React v2 RC
#216 opened by f1ames - 3
- 4
- 1
Upgrade ckeditor4-integrations common
#226 opened by MMMalik - 3
React app refresh/crash at CKEditor load
#215 opened by Darkilen - 1
- 2