The goal is to create a comprehensive catalog of images for testing based on a number of variables including size, format (file extension) and image complexity.
Repo is organized mainly by file size and file type. Currently 12 different file types (which range in size) and then specific directories for small, medium and large files. (Large files require separate downloading / too large for GitHub.)
- Images were either created by me or I found them on the web, images should all be creative commons / free licenses. For any complaints please open an issue.
- For submissions, please create PRs.
Additional image catalogs:
- Eventually create a page just like
- How do we attribute ownership of images?
- Look at this:
- Look at this:
- Type / file format
- Add: .raw
- Add: .ico
- Any other proprietary image file types?
- Complexity (color, etc.)
B&W + Color have been added- Compressed?