10MSPS ADC data sampled and buffered over usb ft2232h with Artix 7 FPGA

Primary LanguageVHDL

XILINX Artix 7 High Speed ADC Sampler

Project Info:

  • This hardware design samples the data of parallel interface 10 MSPS ADC.

  • The sampled data is stored in the FIFO module implemented. The FIFO module is capable of responding to read and write operations in one clock cycle simultaneously.

  • FT2232H USB 2.0 interface is implemented in FT2232H Asynchronous FT245 FIFO mode.

  • The ADC samples are buffered to HOST PC over FT2232H USB interface.

  • To test, ADC data counter is used.

  • I designed this board to use it with my FMCW Radar design for higher speed ADC sampling. The benefit of higher sampling frequency is, it lowers the ADC noise floor.

  • ADC Noise Floor Calculation:

    Check: https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/design/technical-documents/tutorials/1/1197.html

$$ Signal Power = {10 * \log _{10} {Vrms^2 \over RIN}} + 30dB $$

$$ Vrms = 0.707 * Vpeak $$

$$ SubtractNormalize = {10 * \log _{10} {fsample \over 2}} $$

  • Parameters: SNR(adc) = 61 dB (for -1dBFS input level), Vpp = 2V and Rin = 200Ohm, fsample = 10MHz, framp = 1ms
  • For Vpp = 2V, Vrms = 0.707 * 1 = 0.707V
  • Signal Power = -26dB + 30dB = 4dB
  • Nyquist Band Noise Power = +4dB - 1dB - 61dB = -58dB
  • SubtractNormalize = 67 dB
  • Normalized Noise Power = -58dB - 67dB = -125dB
  • In the case of Radar the Subtract Normalize number formula is:

$$ SubtractNormalize = {10 * \log _{10} {framp * fsample}} $$

  • As we can see from the formulas above, the noise floor decreases as the sampling rate is increased. That is the main reason of this FPGA design for better Radar reception sensitivity.

  • Kicad files for adc sampler board design with max1426, spartan 7 or artix 7 fpga and ft2232h ic will be included in near future stay tuned!