
I transfer the backend of yolov3 into Mobilenetv1,VGG16,ResNet101 and ResNeXt101

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Cloned from Adamdad. See original repo for full doc.

I created yolo_image.py and modified yolo.py a bit so that images can be batch-processed and the results are stored as a jpg file with boxes plus a json file with coordinates and other textual information. See YOLO 自動框出相片裡的人/動物/生活用品 for details. That post refers to my clone of the original yolo, but the .py modifications are pretty much copied directly to this repo.

Quick Start


  1. Clone this repo into $HOME/git/ as $HOME/git/keras-YOLOv3-mobilenet/
  2. Create $HOME/pictures/ and put .jpg files in it.
  3. Create an empty $HOME/models/ for storing downloaded and converted models.
  4. Create an empty $HOME/result/ for storing results.
  5. Start the keras docker: docker run --name keras -it -v $HOME:/srv gw000/keras:2.1.4-py3-tf-cpu bash

Then inside the docker:

pip3 install Pillow matplotlib opencv-python

cd /srv/git/keras-YOLOv3-mobilenet/
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights -O ../models/yolov3.weights
python3 convert.py yolov3.cfg ../../models/yolov3.weights ../../models/yolo.h5
time python3 yolo_image.py --model_path ../../models/yolo.h5 --outdir ../../result/ ../../pictures/*.jpg