
An app to buy different products

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🏬 ABC Products

ABC Products is an E-Commerce single page web application that enables customers to buy a variety of products online and shipped anywhere in the continental United States. failed to load

💻 Developers

🎯 Objectives

  • Use the MERN Stack: MongoDB (NoSQL), GraphQL API, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, and user authentication with JWT.
  • Integrate the web application with a variety of frameworks and APIs.
  • Leverage GitHub and Heroku.
  • Provide Continuous Delivery of projects deployed to production.

📚 User Stories

As a Customer I want to . . . So that I may . . .
register a new account keep track of my orders
login to my account order products
login to my account check on my order status
search for products see what items are available

🔌 APIs

  • Fake Store APIData for a shopping project that needs products, carts, and users in JSON format.

🖼️ Wireframe

Wireframe for ABC Products

App link
