BeScala Meetup Talk - 2022-06-09

This contains the presentation and minimal code that I use for the BeScala meetup.

Trying it out

The code is very minimal and scala-cli. The examples that we go over in the talk are all using Metals. If you'd like to follow along you can do the following.

  • git clone
  • scala-cli run src (this will run the app, but also create the src/.bsp which Metals needs)
  • nvim src/Main.scala or using whichever editor is your poison that supports debugging with Metals. (If using VS Code make sure to open src as your workspace root)
  • After you see the src/.metals created create the trace files which is what we'll look at during the talk
touch src/.metals/lsp.trace.json
touch src/.metals/bsp.trace.json
touch src/.metals/dap-server.trace.json
touch src/.metals/dap-client.trace.json
  • Close and re-open again to start getting logs piped to the trace files
  • Try out the code lenses to run the main method in src/Main.scala

The presentation

The presentation is located in and is given using slides. If you have slides installed, you can just slides and it will appear in your terminal.