DOM manipulation and templating library for ClojureScript inspired by Enlive.
- 4
- 0
- 2
- 15
Clone-for and lists
#107 opened by karneaud - 6
replace-vars broken in clojurescript 1.7.145
#104 opened by nickweeds - 1
Extractor extract node
#106 opened by karneaud - 0
Great project
#105 opened by karneaud - 2
event handler functions within hiccup-html
#103 opened by seprich - 0
Need escape content in ef/content or make other function that do correct html escaping.
#100 opened by turtle-bazon - 5
transform object DocumentFragment to string
#102 opened by defclass - 2
Difference in ef/content behaviour
#96 opened by dbushenko - 3
Function based inline snippets
#99 opened by CmdrDats - 1
- 4
How can I use holder.js in html snippet?
#95 opened by kostafey - 7
- 4
debug should be set to false by default
#92 opened by sritchie - 6
- 5
Multiple Extractions
#89 opened by jacobemcken - 6
listen-live looses event information
#87 opened by twillis - 9
Support new html5 input types in read-form
#83 opened by jacobemcken - 1
get-prop doesn't work on data attributes
#85 opened by jacobemcken - 2
events/listen-live discards original event, disabling .preventDefault in handlers.
#70 opened by amacdougall - 4
at won't select children of a form
#56 opened by theJohnnyBrown - 8
upload 2.0.0 to clojar
#57 opened by gzmask - 4
- 2
Can't get keypress on body of document.
#62 opened by txrev319 - 11
- 1
- 3
ef/set-attr not working
#55 opened by gzmask - 1
ef/html flushes my console.log
#54 opened by gzmask - 7
- 3
How to use the "Hello World" example?
#51 opened by fasiha - 5
- 2
`lein cljsbuild once` failing?
#50 opened by fasiha - 2
- 3
#44 opened by solussd - 7
Can't create snippet from the <form> element
#38 opened by dbushenko - 7
No "this-node" selector
#39 opened by solussd - 7
snippet selecting ALL children of a Node
#43 opened by dokuryoku - 7
- 3
Check for existence of node by selector
#26 opened by robert-stuttaford - 5
Ability to use 'at' on snippets
#36 opened by tonsky - 17
- 0
clone-for needs to support destructuring
#32 opened by ckirkendall - 2
em/scroll effect
#34 opened by robert-stuttaford - 2
- 2
- 2
Warnings when compiling project
#31 opened by jsyrjala - 13
- 2