
Elasticfence Authentication & Login plugin for Kibana

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Authentication module for Kibana 5

Authentication module for Kibana 5.1.2 (should work with kibana 5.x as long as the version number in the package.json matches) and Elasticfence HTTP Authentication plugin





bin/kibana plugin --install kibana-auth-plugin -u https://github.com/elasticfence/kibana-auth-elasticfence/releases/download/5.x/kauth-latest.tar.gz


  • Add users via Elasticfence plugin
  • Login using Authentication Form

License: MIT.


  1. Clone repository.
  2. Create the config.json.template file and create a config.json file.
  3. Modify the contents of the config.json file to point to a local Kibana installation directory.

Build Commands:

  • npm run dev will build the code and copy it to the specified local Kibana installation.
    • Kibana 5.x+ uses Webpack to build bundles. Kibana needs to be restarted in order for local changes to take effect!
  • npm run build will build the code into the build directory.
  • npm run package will perform the same actions as build, but will also produce a .tar file in the target directory.
  • npm run clean will clean all local build directories
  • npm run cleanKibana will remove the build Kibana plugin from the specified local Kibana installation