- 6
Stackprinter doesn't work with Django
#44 opened by amir511 - 4
Picked an invalid source context
#71 opened by ale-dd - 6
Can't accept non-string multiline tokens
#68 opened by ale-dd - 2
outputting the dump as html instead of just text opens up new possibilities
#61 opened by julian-goettingen - 0
The option to only apply the stackprinter styles to certain exceptions (Alternatively, a whitelist/blacklist system)
#67 opened by AbdelRahmanRahal - 18
- 4
Output for ExceptionGroups hides sub-exceptions
#65 opened by ugtar - 2
Incorrect docstring for `stackprinter.format`, `suppressed_exceptions_types` should be `suppressed_exceptions`
#64 opened by den-kar - 1
Does stackprinter have a functional equivalent to traceback's limit= parameter?
#62 opened by foundObjects - 2
Don't assume `sys.stderr` is always present
#55 opened by aivarannamaa - 1
Switch CI provider
#37 opened by cknd - 5
- 0
Use stack_data
#52 opened by cknd - 5
Add a way to redact some variables
#50 opened by Schnouki - 9
Python 2 support
#2 opened by unformatt - 10
- 5
- 3
(Address boundary error)
#48 opened by tsoernes - 3
Option to include the outer stack frames as well?
#26 opened by kbirk - 7
- 3
Stackprinter failed
#38 opened by SqrtRyan - 1
create bug reproducer
#33 opened by rsudarson - 15
Empty stacktrace
#34 opened by JulianOrteil - 3
Ignore certain exceptions in `set_excepthook`
#25 opened by tsoernes - 4
Option to prevent line wrap of variable
#28 opened by spacemanspiff2007 - 0
Consider pprintpp
#24 opened by alexmojaki - 5
'where' attribute on exceptions?
#18 opened by alexmojaki - 2
Stackprinter failed, KeyError: 168
#9 opened by YashSinha1996 - 2
Error when using in
#10 opened by securisec - 5
error: bad escape \p at position 2
#8 opened by mengyyy - 5
- 0