This is a kind of ONT-API extension with intentionally straightforward realisation.
Can work both with single ontology file source and with directory containing dependent or independent sources.
The utility automatically transforms the source RDF Graph to the OWL2 DL syntax according to the internal rules and command-line options.
For example, if there is no owl:Ontology
section inside rdf-graph, which is required by OWL, an anonymous ontology header will be generated.
This is a tool, not a library, and, therefore, it is available only in the form of code and prebuilt jar (see /releases).
Usage: java -jar ont-converter.jar [-f] [-h] -i <path> [-if <format>] -o <path> -of <format> [-p <0|1|2>] [-r] [-s] [-v] [-w]
- -f,--force
Ignore any exceptions while loading/saving and processing imports
- -h,--help
Print usage.
- -i,--input
The file path or not-empty directory to load ontology/ontologies. See --input-format for list of supported syntaxes. - Required.
- -if,--input-format
The input format. If not specified the program will choose the most suitable one to load ontology from a file. Must be one of the following: TURTLE, RDF_XML, RDF_JSON, JSON_LD, NTRIPLES, NQUADS, TRIG, TRIX, RDF_THRIFT, OWL_XML, MANCHESTER_SYNTAX, FUNCTIONAL_SYNTAX, BINARY_RDF, RDFA, OBO, KRSS - Optional.
- -o,--output
The file or directory path to store result ontology/ontologies. If the --input is a file then this parameter must also be a file. See --output-format for list of supported syntaxes. - Required.
- -of,--output-format
The format of output ontology/ontologies. Must be one of the following: TURTLE, RDF_XML, RDF_JSON, JSON_LD, NTRIPLES, NQUADS, TRIG, TRIX, RDF_THRIFT, OWL_XML, MANCHESTER_SYNTAX, FUNCTIONAL_SYNTAX, OBO, KRSS2, DL, DL_HTML, LATEX - Required.
- -p,--punnings <0|1|2>
The punning mode. Could be used in conjunction with --refine option. Must be one of the following: 0 - Lax mode. Default. Allow any punnings, i.e. ontology is allowed to contain multiple entity declarations 1 - Middle mode. Two forbidden intersections: Datatype <-> Class & NamedObjectProperty <-> DatatypeProperty 2 - Strict mode: All punnings are forbidden, i.e. Datatype <-> Class and rdf:Property intersections (any pairs of NamedObjectProperty, DatatypeProperty, AnnotationProperty). - Optional.
- -r,--refine
Refine output: if specified the resulting ontologies will consist only of the OWL2-DL components (annotations and axioms), otherwise there could be some rdf-stuff (in case the output format is provided by jena) - Optional.
- -s,--spin
Use spin transformation to replace rdf:List based spin-constructs (e.g sp:Select) with their text-literal representation to produce compact axioms list. - Optional.
- -v,--verbose
To print progress messages to console.
- -w,--web
Allow web/ftp diving to retrieve dependent ontologies from imports (owl:imports), otherwise the specified directory (see --input) will be used as the only source.
$ java -jar ont-converter.jar -i /tmp/pizza.owl.xml -if 1 -o /tmp/pizza.omn -of 12 -v
-i /tmp/pizza.owl.xml
- the path to existing source file, required. In the example above it is pizza.owl.-if 1
- the explicit input format (could be also-if rdf
,-if rdf/xml
or-if rdf_xml
), optional.-o /tmp/pizza.omn
- the path to target file, required.-of 12
- the output format (could be also-of omn
,-of manchestersyntax
,-of manchester_syntax
), required.-v
- to print progress info to console, optional.
Name | Provider | Read / Write | Aliases (case insensitive) |
TURTLE | Apache Jena | yes / yes | 0, turtle, ttl |
RDF_XML | Apache Jena | yes / yes | 1, rdf_xml, rdf/xml, rdf |
RDF_JSON | Apache Jena | yes / yes | 2, rdf_json, rdf/json, rj |
JSON_LD | Apache Jena | yes / yes | 3, json_ld, json-ld, jsonld |
NTRIPLES | Apache Jena | yes / yes | 4, ntriples, n-triples, nt |
NQUADS | Apache Jena | yes / yes | 5, nquads, n-quads, nq |
TRIG | Apache Jena | yes / yes | 6, trig |
TRIX | Apache Jena | yes / yes | 7, trix |
RDF_THRIFT | Apache Jena | yes / yes | 8, rdf_thrift, rdf-thrift, trdf |
CSV | Apache Jena | yes / no | 9, csv |
OWL_XML | OWL-API | yes / yes | 11, owl_xml, owl/xml, owl |
MANCHESTER_SYNTAX | OWL-API | yes / yes | 12, manchester_syntax, manchestersyntax, omn |
FUNCTIONAL_SYNTAX | OWL-API | yes / yes | 13, functional_syntax, functionalsyntax, fss |
BINARY_RDF | OWL-API | yes / yes | 14, binary_rdf, binaryrdf, brf |
RDFA | OWL-API | yes / no | 15, rdfa, xhtml |
OBO | OWL-API | yes / yes | 16, obo |
KRSS2 | OWL-API | yes / yes | 18, krss2 |
DL | OWL-API | yes / yes | 19, dl |
DL_HTML | OWL-API | no / yes | 20, dl_html, dl/html, html |
LATEX | OWL-API | no / yes | 21, latex, tex |
- java1.8
- maven
Simply run mvn package
in the project root. All dependencies should be resolved automatically by maven.
In case of any issue (for example the program hangs), please report it into the /ont-converter/issues page, but only if you really sure that the problem is in the program, not in the underlying API. Otherwise please refer to the /ont-api/issues page.
ONT-API (version 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT)