A simulation of a car wash facility as follows.  Assume customers arrive at the car wash in random integer intervals of 1 to 8 minutes, and customers are served in random integer intervals of 2 to 5 minutes. (That is, when a customer arrives, the next customer will arrive in the next 1 to 8 minutes, and when a car is actually washed, it will take anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes to finish depending on the level of wash that was selected.)

Simulates a service line at a car wash for a shift of 8 hours (480 minutes). 
The service line is to be implemented as a queue that will contain the customer’s arrival time (in minutes from the start of the 8 hour period). 

At the completion of the shift, report the following information:
  a. Total number of customers served
  b. Number of customers still waiting
  c. Average wait time
  d. Longest wait time
  e. Maximum number in line at one time