

  • WordPress Core: All of the wordpress core files have been ignored in git. You will need to download the latest version and manually copy the core files in to the root folder of the repo. *If you run npm install it will automatically grab the Wordpress core and copy the files needed after the installation.
  • Composer: Composer is used to install dependencies for timber.
  • NodeJS & NPM: Node is used for running grunt tasks.
  1. Initialize and update git submodules - git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Install Timber's dependencies and move back to project root - cd www/wp-content/themes/audicus/lib/timber && composer install && cd ../../../../../../
  3. Install all node packages - npm install
  4. Create a database in your MAMP phpMyAdmin and edit the wp-config.php file to reflect login credentials
  5. Create your own config.json file (based on config-sample.json) and update db info with your local database info.
  6. Run grunt db_import
  7. Run grunt db_setup to prep all files
  8. Point your web server to the project folder
  9. Finish installation and begin development!

Grunt Tasks

  • grunt bowercopy - Downloads front-end deps using bower, copies them to their respective folders, then removes bower_components/
  • grunt jshint - Lints javascript source files
  • grunt uglify - Concatenates and minifies javascript
  • grunt less - Compiles less to css
  • grunt watch - Polls for changes in files to run less jshint and uglify as well as runs a live reload server
  • grunt build - Runs uglify:site followed less:production followed by cssmin
  • grunt setup - Runs bowercopy followed by build
  • grunt db_import - Imports the database from db/local.sql into the database specified in your config.json
  • grunt db_dump - Dumps the database from your localhost into db/local.sql This overwrites anything in this file
  • grunt - Runs watch