
Ideas on setting up a starter Wordpress site

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Ideas on setting up a starter Wordpress site

Random Thoughts

Should have a list of plugins used and a script that downloads the latest version

  • wp db migrate pro
  • advanced custom fields
    • Repeater
  • regenerate thumbnails
  • some sort of custom post type plugin types
  • a slider plugin of post types (maybe custom)
  • Most want an SEO plugin
  • Gravity forms

Need a list of go to javascript libraries

  • jquery (still easiest to use)
  • modernizr
  • combine/document past useful libraries use in WP projects

HTML/SASS primers

  • Import a library of already setup SCSS library and HTML starters. Look at libarary dropdabase
  • Include animate.css
  • use a styleguid system
  • Look at using TWIG timber

Helpful links