
Rock paper scissors p2p game played via etherum smart contract with vue.js client dapp.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Decentralized App + smart contracts implementing the game Rock Paper Scissors on ethereum. A running instance of this dapp should be reachable at block-paper-scissors.com.


Both dapp and contracts are a work in progress, feel free to open issues if you find areas for improvement. The contracts have not been audited and were started as a learning project to improve / develop web3 development skills. Use at your own risk! The dapp has only been tested with the Metamask smart wallet, so it is recommended to use metamask when interacting with the dapp.

Local Development


  • NPM (7.5.3)
  • Truffle (5.3.6)



  1. Change directory in to vapp directory
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Start development version of the dapp on localhost:8080 : npm run serve



  1. Change directory to top level directory
  2. Install dependencies: npm install

Test Contracts

  1. Start a development ethereum instance listening on port 9545: for example using truffle develop
  2. Run tests: npm run test

Compile Deploy Contracts

  1. Start a development ethereum instance listening on port 9545: for example using truffle develop
  2. Recompile / deploy contracts on loacal chain: truffle migrate --rest