
Scans SBOMs for vulnerabilities with Grype

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Scans SBOMs and Images for vulnerabilities



This operator scans all SBOMs from a git-repository for vulnerabilities using Grype. The result-list can be emitted as JSON-file served via an endpoint and/or as Prometheus metrics. There may be more targets in the future. The scans are done periodically.

Kubernetes Compatibility

The image contains versions of k8s.io/client-go. Kubernetes aims to provide forwards & backwards compatibility of one minor version between client and server:

vulnerability-operator k8s.io/{api,apimachinery,client-go} expected kubernetes compatibility
main v0.30.0 1.29.x, 1.30.x, 1.31.x
0.24.0 v0.30.0 1.29.x, 1.30.x, 1.31.x
0.23.0 v0.29.3 1.28.x, 1.29.x, 1.30.x
0.22.0 v0.28.4 1.27.x, 1.28.x, 1.29.x
0.19.0 v0.27.4 1.26.x, 1.27.x, 1.28.x
0.17.0 v0.26.3 1.25.x, 1.26.x, 1.27.x
0.13.0 v0.25.4 1.24.x, 1.25.x, 1.26.x
0.8.0 v0.24.3 1.23.x, 1.24.x, 1.25.x
0.5.0 v0.23.5 1.22.x, 1.23.x, 1.24.x

However, the operator will work with more versions of Kubernetes in general.



kubectl apply -f deploy/


Create a YAML file first with the required configurations or use helm-flags instead.

helm repo add ckotzbauer https://ckotzbauer.github.io/helm-charts
helm install ckotzbauer/vulnerability-operator -f your-values.yaml


All parameters are cli-flags.

Parameter Required Default Description
verbosity false info Log-level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic)
cron false @hourly Backround-Service interval (CRON). All options from github.com/robfig/cron are allowed
sources false git Comma-delimited list of sources to gather SBOMs from. Possible source currently only git
targets false json Comma-delimited list of targets to sent vulnerability-data to. Possible targets json, metrics, policyreport
grype-config-file false "" Path to grype-config-file to specify ignore-rules.
filter-config-file false "" Path to filter-config-file to specify ignore- and audit-rules. (yaml formatted)
only-fixed false false Only report CVEs where a fix is available.
min-severity false medium Only report CVEs with a severity greater or equal (negligible, low, medium, high, critical).
git-workingtree false /work Directory to place the git-repo.
git-repository true when git target is used. "" Git-Repository-URL (HTTPS).
git-branch false main Git-Branch to checkout.
git-path false "" Folder-Path inside the Git-Repository.
git-access-token false "" Git-Personal-Access-Token with read-permissions.
git-username false "" Git-Username
git-password false "" Git-Password
github-app-id false "" GitHub App-ID.
github-app-installation-id false "" GitHub App-Installation-ID.
reports-dir false /reports Directory to place the reports.

The flags can be configured as args or as environment-variables prefixed with VULN_ to inject sensitive configs as secret values.

Example Helm-Config

  targets: metrics
  min-severity: low
  git-repository: https://github.com/XXX/XXX
  git-path: dev-cluster/sboms
  verbosity: debug
  cron: "0 0 * * * *"

        name: "vulnerability-operator"
        key: "accessToken"

  enabled: true



The contents of this git-repository are typically generated from the sbom-generator. All files named sbom.json, sbom.txt, sbom.xml or sbom.spdx are gathered regarding the git-* config-flags. You can use a token-based authentication (e.g. a PAT for GitHub) with --git-access-token, BasicAuth with username and password (--git-username, --git-password) or Github App Authentication (--github-app-id, --github-app-installation-id, env: VULN_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY) The private-key has to be Base64 encoded.



All found vulnerabilities can be requested as file from the /reports/report.json endpoint. The data is structured like this:

Example JSON
    "ID": "CVE-2019-19924",
    "Severity": "Medium",
    "Type": "rpm",
    "Package": "sqlite",
    "Installed": "3.7.17-8.el7_7.1",
    "FixedIn": [],
    "FixState": "wont-fix",
    "URLs": [
    "ImageID": "docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat@sha256:e418d12e08a1b74140c9edc6bdc773110b0f802340e25e2716950bac86ae14ce",
    "Containers": [
        "PodNamespace": "elastic-system",
        "PodName": "filebeat-filebeat-6xkf4",
        "ContainerName": "filebeat"
        "PodNamespace": "elastic-system",
        "PodName": "filebeat-filebeat-g6zbh",
        "ContainerName": "filebeat"
        "PodNamespace": "elastic-system",
        "PodName": "filebeat-filebeat-jkgnh",
        "ContainerName": "filebeat"
    "ID": "CVE-2020-16250",
    "Severity": "Critical",
    "Type": "go-module",
    "Package": "github.com/hashicorp/vault/api",
    "Installed": "v1.3.1",
    "FixedIn": [],
    "FixState": "unknown",
    "URLs": [
    "ImageID": "ghcr.io/kyverno/kyverno@sha256:4fc715e9287446222bf12b1245899b195ecea8beda54c6f6a3587373c376cad1",
    "Containers": [
        "PodNamespace": "kyverno",
        "PodName": "kyverno-555dcf9f66-csmq5",
        "ContainerName": "kyverno"
        "PodNamespace": "kyverno",
        "PodName": "kyverno-555dcf9f66-gsphr",
        "ContainerName": "kyverno"


Every CVE is exported with a Prometheus vuln_operator_cves gauge-metric for each container it appears in.

vuln_operator_cves{container_name="kyverno", cve="CVE-2020-16250", fix_state="unknown", image_id="ghcr.io/kyverno/kyverno@sha256:4fc715e9287446222bf12b1245899b195ecea8beda54c6f6a3587373c376cad1", package="github.com/hashicorp/vault/api", k8s_name="kyverno", k8s_namespace="kyverno", k8s_kind="Deployment", severity="Critical", type="go-module", version="v1.3.1"}

Note: The operator removes all metrics from the vector before re-populating it. In the meanwhile the data is not expressive.

Grafana Dashboard

There's a dashboard for Grafana to view the collected vulnerability metrics.


With the policyreport target set, the operator stores the scan-results as PolicyReport CRs inside the cluster. Each PolicyReport object is owned by the corresponding pod to enable autocleanup by Kubernetes.

Example PolicyReport
apiVersion: wgpolicyk8s.io/v1alpha2
kind: PolicyReport
  creationTimestamp: "2022-06-18T14:57:27Z"
  generation: 3
    kubernetes.io/created-by: vulnerability-operator
  name: vuln-kyverno-688464bd95-55drc
  namespace: kyverno
  - apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
    name: kyverno-688464bd95-55drc
    uid: 24bdccbb-653a-4005-8463-cf511a919037
  resourceVersion: "160903586"
  uid: e3cd1447-49ef-481d-b44b-cc38239ea870
- category: github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf
  message: 'github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf: GHSA-66x3-6cw3-v5gj'
  policy: GHSA-66x3-6cw3-v5gj
    FixedVersion: 0.3.0
    InstalledVersion: v0.0.0-20220211205608-f0c3294f63b9
    URL: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-66x3-6cw3-v5gj
  - kind: Pod
    name: kyverno-688464bd95-55drc
    namespace: kyverno
    uid: 24bdccbb-653a-4005-8463-cf511a919037
  result: fail
  severity: high
  source: vulnerability-operator
    nanos: 728434599
    seconds: 1655564847
- category: google.golang.org/protobuf
  message: 'google.golang.org/protobuf: CVE-2015-5237'
  policy: CVE-2015-5237
    FixedVersion: ""
    InstalledVersion: v1.28.0
    URL: https://github.com/google/protobuf/issues/760
  - kind: Pod
    name: kyverno-688464bd95-55drc
    namespace: kyverno
    uid: 24bdccbb-653a-4005-8463-cf511a919037
  result: fail
  severity: high
  source: vulnerability-operator
    nanos: 728434599
    seconds: 1655564847
- category: google.golang.org/protobuf
  message: 'google.golang.org/protobuf: CVE-2021-22570'
  policy: CVE-2021-22570
    FixedVersion: ""
    InstalledVersion: v1.28.0
    URL: https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/tag/v3.15.0
  - kind: Pod
    name: kyverno-688464bd95-55drc
    namespace: kyverno
    uid: 24bdccbb-653a-4005-8463-cf511a919037
  result: fail
  severity: high
  source: vulnerability-operator
    nanos: 728434599
    seconds: 1655564847
- category: google.golang.org/protobuf
  message: 'google.golang.org/protobuf: CVE-2015-5237'
  policy: CVE-2015-5237
    FixedVersion: ""
    InstalledVersion: v1.28.0
    URL: https://github.com/google/protobuf/issues/760
  - kind: Pod
    name: kyverno-688464bd95-55drc
    namespace: kyverno
    uid: 24bdccbb-653a-4005-8463-cf511a919037
  result: fail
  severity: high
  source: vulnerability-operator
    nanos: 728434599
    seconds: 1655564847
- category: google.golang.org/protobuf
  message: 'google.golang.org/protobuf: CVE-2021-22570'
  policy: CVE-2021-22570
    FixedVersion: ""
    InstalledVersion: v1.28.0
    URL: https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/tag/v3.15.0
  - kind: Pod
    name: kyverno-688464bd95-55drc
    namespace: kyverno
    uid: 24bdccbb-653a-4005-8463-cf511a919037
  result: fail
  severity: high
  source: vulnerability-operator
    nanos: 728434599
    seconds: 1655564847
- category: github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf
  message: 'github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf: GHSA-66x3-6cw3-v5gj'
  policy: GHSA-66x3-6cw3-v5gj
    FixedVersion: 0.3.0
    InstalledVersion: v0.0.0-20220211205608-f0c3294f63b9
    URL: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-66x3-6cw3-v5gj
  - kind: Pod
    name: kyverno-688464bd95-55drc
    namespace: kyverno
    uid: 24bdccbb-653a-4005-8463-cf511a919037
  result: fail
  severity: high
  source: vulnerability-operator
    nanos: 728434599
    seconds: 1655564847
  kind: Pod
  name: kyverno-688464bd95-55drc
  namespace: kyverno
  uid: 24bdccbb-653a-4005-8463-cf511a919037
  error: 0
  fail: 6
  pass: 0
  skip: 0
  warn: 0

Context-based vulnerability filtering

You can apply filter rules to either ignore certain vulnerabilities or to move them into a separate metric. This is useful if you want to exclude vulnerabilities from your metric, for example false positives or issues that are outside of the applications execution path.

Filter rules support the following properties:

  • CVE
  • package name
  • container context (with the following subset)
    • image
    • namespace
    • kind
    • name

Container context properties support glob patterns * and ?, while CVE and package only match its exact value. The container context only applies, if all of its properties are matching (AND condition).

The filter rules are provided through a yaml formatted file. Its path is configured with --filter-config-file.

Example filter configuration
  # Ignore any vulnerabilities in ruby gem rdoc
  - package: rdoc
  # Ignore CVE GHSA-8cr8-4vfw-mr7h
  - vulnerability: GHSA-8cr8-4vfw-mr7h
  # If GHSA-fp4w-jxhp-m23p was found in gitlab-ce images, move it the "audit" metric
  - vulnerability: GHSA-fp4w-jxhp-m23p
    - image: gitlab/gitlab-ce*
      namespace: "*"
      kind: "*"
      name: "*"
  # Move any CVE for the git package to the "audit" metric, if it was found in a gitlab-*-redis deployment
  - package: git
    - image: "*"
      namespace: "*"
      kind: Deployment
      name: gitlab-*-redis


For the Prometheus target, the separate metric vuln_operator_cves_audit contains matches from the audit section.

For the json target, a separate file audited.json is provided.


The docker-image is based on a scratch-image to reduce the attack-surface and keep the image small. Furthermore the image and release-artifacts are signed with cosign and attested with provenance-files. The release-process satisfies SLSA Level 2. All of those "metadata files" are also stored in a dedicated repository ghcr.io/ckotzbauer/vulnerability-operator-metadata. Both, SLSA and the signatures are still experimental for this project. When discovering security issues please refer to the Security process.


Please refer to the Contribution guildelines.

Code of conduct

Please refer to the Conduct guildelines.