
A library that makes it easy to deal with Excel in Java

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a library that makes Excel easier to use in Java.

To-Excel depends on Apache POI, Model Mapper





  compile group: 'com.github.ckpoint', name: 'toexcel', version: '1.0.8'


Table of Contents

1. Map to Object from Excel

Read data from a specific sheet in Excel and can map data to a specific class.

step1) Create a model class to map Excel data


If you want to read the above Excel data, you need to define the model as below.

public class UserModel {

    @ExcelHeader(headerName = "name", headerNames = {"nick-name, nickName, email"})
    private String name;

    @ExcelHeader(headerName = "age")
    private Integer age;

    @ExcelHeader(headerName = "gender")
    private String gender;

You need to add the ExcelHeader annotation to each field.

headerName must match the data header of Excel.
If there is no data field in Excel that matches the headerName, can search for the matching field in headerNames.

step2) Create ToWorkBook and ToWorkSheet instance

   ToWorkBook toWorkBook = new ToWorkBook(new File("target/excel/map/read_test_1.xlsx"));
   ToWorkSheet toWorkSheet = toWorkBook.getSheetAt(0);

step3) You can now map data to model classes using ToWorkSheet's map function.

   List<UserModel> userModels = toWorkSheet.map(UserModel.class);

2. Map To Excel From Object

You can easily map data defined in the model to Excel.

step1) define the model class to be mapped to Excel as below.

   public class UserModel {

     @ExcelHeader(headerName = "name", priority = 0)
     private String name;
     @ExcelHeader(headerName = "age", priority = 1)
     private Integer age;
     @ExcelHeader(headerName = "gender", priority = 2)
     private String gender;

You need to add the ExcelHeader annotation to each field.

headerName must match the data header of Excel.
The order in which Excel is written, the lower the priority, the write left.

step2) Define data in the model

   List<UserModel> userModelList =
       IntStream.range(0, 100).mapToObj(i ->
       UserModel.builder().name("tester" + i).age(i).gender("man").build()).collect(Collectors.toList());

step3) Create instance ToWorkBook and ToWorkSheet

   ToWorkBook workBook = new ToWorkBook(WorkBookType.XSSF);
   ToWorkSheet sheet = workBook.createSheet();

step4) Use ToWorkSheet's from function to map data to a sheet and write it to a file.

Finally, the following Excel is created.


3. Create Custom Excel Sheet

You can more freely write data to Excel without defining a model.

You can create the following sheets.

A. cells merged in the horizontal direction


   ToWorkBook workBook = new ToWorkBook(WorkBookType.XSSF);
   ToWorkSheet sheet = workBook.createSheet().updateDirection(SheetDirection.HORIZON);

   sheet.createTitleCell(2, "name", "age", "contactNumber");
   sheet.merge(2, 1); // 2(width) X 1(height) [][]
   sheet.createCellToNewline("sharky", "36", "010-1234-0000", "02-1111-1234");
   sheet.createCellToNewline("melpis", "36", "010-1111-1234", "02-4221-1234");
   sheet.createCellToNewline("heeseob", "32", "010-0000-1234", "-");
   sheet.createCellToNewline("dongjun", "31", "010-4324-1234", "031-4121-1234");


B. Multiple cells merged horizontally and vertically


   ToWorkBook workBook = new ToWorkBook(WorkBookType.XSSF);
   ToWorkSheet sheet = workBook.createSheet().updateDirection(SheetDirection.HORIZON);

   sheet.createTitleCell(2, "name");
   sheet.merge(1, 2);

   sheet.createTitleCell(2, "age");
   sheet.merge(1, 2);

   sheet.createTitleCell(2, "contactNumber");
   sheet.merge(2, 1);

   sheet.createTitleCell(2,"phone", "home");

   sheet.createCellToNewline("sharky", "36", "010-1234-0000", "02-1111-1234");
   sheet.createCellToNewline("melpis", "36", "010-1111-1234", "02-4221-1234");
   sheet.createCellToNewline("heeseob", "32", "010-0000-1234", "-");
   sheet.createCellToNewline("dongjun", "31", "010-4324-1234", "031-4121-1234");
