Coding For Lawyers - Fall 2018


This course is a hands-on introduction to coding starting with coding tools such as Git, VsCode and the interactive terminal. Students will start by getting familiar with coding tools and the world of web programming. The remainder of the course will be a deep dive into JavaScript the language of the Web - the course will be based on the JavaScript section of Michael Hartl's Learn Enough to be Dangerous  series. Students will develop and deploy a web application that detects palindromes and a simple interactive photo gallery by working through the episodes in the course.

Should Lawyers Learn to Code Venn

Course Setup

Alternative Node install with homebrew. How to install node 

General Resources

Design Thinking



Aug 16 Intro Overview of Course

Get Acquainted

Aug 17 Lab Set up VsCode, Git, terminal , Node

Aug 30 Javascript Intro mechanics HTML, CSS

Reading LEJ 1 - 63 Strings

Aug 31 Lab and Intro to Javascript continued


Sept 13 Strings, Arrays etc

Reading LEJ 63 – 83 Arrays Regex 83-94 – Regular Expressions readings from Coding for Lawyers

Coding for Lawyers Regular Expressions

Sept 14 node repl, strings, logic, arrays -- Take home test.

Sept 27 Objects / Functions – start Palindrome

Reading LEJ 95 – 129 Functions

Sept 28 Object Functions Lab

Reading 129 - 166


Oct 11 Objects and Functions review

Start on Dom

Oct 12 Dom Palindrome page

Oct 25 Dom - Photo page

Oct 26 Photo lab deploy to Netlify


Nov 8 Smart Contracts Ergo Ethereum

Nov 9 Crypto Zombies