
the fastest way to publish threat intel

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

CSIRTG Software Development Kit for Python

The CSIRTG Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python contains library code and examples designed to enable developers to build applications using https://csirtg.io.



$ sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip git
$ pip install csirtgsdk




# ~/.csirtg.yml
token: 1234


Search for an indicator

$ csirtg --search example.com

Show a list of feeds (per user)

$ csirtg --user csirtgadgets --feeds

Get a feed

$ csirtg --user csirtgadgets --feed uce-urls

Create a feed

$ csirtg --user csirtgadgets --new --feed scanners --description 'a feed of port scanners'

Create an indicator within a feed

$ csirtg --user csirtgadgets --feed scanners --new --indicator --tags scanner --comment 'this is a port scanner'

Create an attachment within a feed

$ csirtg --user csirtgadgets --feed uce-attachments --new --attachment 'fax.zip' --description 'file attached in uce email'


Search for an indicator

from csirtgsdk.client import Client
from csirtgsdk.search import Search
from pprint import pprint

remote = 'https://csirtg.io/api'
token = ''
verify_ssl = True
limit = 500

indicator = 'example'

# Initiate client object
cli = Client(remote=remote, token=token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)

# Search for an indicator
ret = Search(cli).search(indicator, limit=limit)

# pretty print the returned data structure

Show a list of feeds (per user)

from csirtgsdk.client import Client
from csirtgsdk.feed import Feed
from pprint import pprint

remote = 'https://csirtg.io/api'
token = ''
verify_ssl = True

user = 'csirtgadgets'

# Initiate client object
cli = Client(remote=remote, token=token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)

# Return a list of feeds (per user)
ret = Feed(cli).index(user)

# pprint the returned data structure

Get a feed

from csirtgsdk.client import Client
from csirtgsdk.feed import Feed
from pprint import pprint

remote = 'https://csirtg.io/api'
token = ''
verify_ssl = True

user = 'csirtgadgets'
feed = 'uce-urls'

# Initiate client object
cli = Client(remote=remote, token=token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)

# Pull a feed
ret = Feed(cli).show(user, feed, limit=None)

# pprint the returned data structure

Create a feed

from csirtgsdk.client import Client
from csirtgsdk.feed import Feed
from pprint import pprint

remote = 'https://csirtg.io/api'
token = ''
verify_ssl = True

user = 'csirtgadgets'
feed = 'scanners'
feed_description = 'a feed of port scanners'

# Initiate client object
cli = Client(remote=remote, token=token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)

# Create a feed
ret = Feed(cli).new(user, feed, description=feed_description)

# pprint the returned data structure

Submit a indicator to a feed

from csirtgsdk.client import Client
from csirtgsdk.indicator import Indicator
from pprint import pprint

remote = 'https://csirtg.io/api'
token = ''
verify_ssl = True

record = {
    "user": "csirtgadgets",
    "feed": "scanners",
    "indicator": "",
    "tags": "scanner",
    "description": "seen port scanning (incomming, tcp, syn, blocked)",
    "portlist": "22",
    "protocol": "TCP",
    "firsttime": "2015-11-22T00:00:00Z",
    "lasttime": "2015-11-23T00:00:00Z",
    "comment": "comment text",
    "attachment": "/tmp/malware.zip"

# Initiate client object
cli = Client(remote=remote, token=token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)

# Submit an indicator
ret = Indicator(cli, record).submit()

# pprint the returned data structure

Submit a list of indicators to a feed

from csirtgsdk.client import Client                                                                                                                                                                                    
from csirtgsdk.indicator import Indicator
from pprint import pprint

remote = 'https://csirtg.io/api'
token = ''
verify_ssl = True

user = 'csirtgadgets'
feed = 'test-feed'

i = {
  'indicator': 'example.com',
  'feed': 'csirtgadgets',
  'user': 'test-feed',
  'comment': 'this is a test',

data = []

# Initiate client object
cli = Client(remote=remote, token=token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)

# Build a list of Indicator objects
for x in range(0, 5):
      Indicator(cli, i)

# Call the submit bulk function
ret = cli.submit_bulk(data, user, feed)

# Print the return value

{u'message': u'5 indicators received'}

Submit a file to a feed using a filehandle

from csirtgsdk.client import Client
from csirtgsdk.indicator import Indicator
from pprint import pprint

filename = '/tmp/sample.txt'

remote = 'https://csirtg.io/api'
token = ''
verify_ssl = True

# read the file
with open(filename) as f:
    data = f.read()

# Create a dict to submit
record = {
    'user': 'csirtgadgets',
    'feed': 'uce-attachments',
    'tags': 'uce-attachment',
    'description': 'file attached to spam email',
    'attachment': filename

# Initiate client object
cli = Client(remote=remote, token=token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)

# Submit an indicator
ret = Indicator(cli, record).submit()

# pprint the returned data structure

Submit a file to a feed using a base64 encoded string

import hashlib
import base64
from csirtgsdk.client import Client
from csirtgsdk.indicator import Indicator
from pprint import pprint

filename = '/tmp/sample.txt'

remote = 'https://csirtg.io/api'
token = ''
verify_ssl = True

# read the file
with open(filename) as f:
    data = f.read()

# Create a dict to submit
record = {
    'user': 'csirtgadgets',
    'feed': 'uce-attachments',
    'indicator': hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest(),
    'tags': 'uce-attachment',
    'description': 'file attached to spam email',
    'attachment': base64.b64encode(data),
    'attachment_name': filename

# Initiate client object
cli = Client(remote=remote, token=token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)

# Submit an indicator
ret = Indicator(cli, record).submit()

# pprint the returned data structure



License and Copyright

Copyright (C) 2017 CSIRT Gadgets

Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the MPL2 License. For details see the file LICENSE included with the distribution.