
Deep face recognition pipeline with SphereFace (Caffe).


SphereFace : Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition

By Weiyang Liu, Yandong Wen, Zhiding Yu, Ming Li, Bhiksha Raj and Le Song


The repository contains the entire pipeline (including all the preprossings) for deep face recognition with SphereFace. The recognition pipeline contains three major steps: face detection, face alignment and face recognition.

SphereFace is a recently proposed face recognition method. It was initially described in an arXiv technical report and then published in CVPR 2017. To facilitate the face recognition research, we give an example of training on CAISA-WebFace and testing on LFW using the 20-layer CNN architecture described in the paper (i.e. SphereFace-20).


SphereFace is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).

Citing SphereFace

If you find SphereFace useful in your research, please consider to cite:

    author = {Weiyang Liu, Yandong Wen, Zhiding Yu, Ming Li, Bhiksha Raj, and Le Song},
    title = {SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},
    Year = {2017}


  1. Update
  2. Disclaimer
  3. Requirements
  4. Installation
  5. Usage
  6. Models
  7. Results


  • July 20, 2017
    • This repository was built.
  • August 9, 2017
    • Most of the bugs are fixed. SphereFace-20 prototxt file ($SPHEREFACE_ROOT/train/code/sphereface_model.prototxt) is released. This architecture is exactly the same as the 20-layer CNN reported in the paper. A well-trained model with accuracy 99.30% on LFW is released.
  • To be updated:
    • Detected facial landmarks, training image list, training log and extracted features will be released soon.


  1. Backward gradient.
    • In this implementation, we did not strictly follow the equations in paper. Instead, we normalize the scale of gradient to 1. It can be interpreted as a varying strategy for learning rate to help converge more stably. Similar idea and intuition also appear in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.04822.pdf
    • More specifically, if the original gradient of f w.r.t x can be written as df/dx = coeff_w * w + coeff_x * x, we use the normalized version [df/dx] = (coeff_w * w + coeff_x * x) / norm_wx to perform backward propragation, where norm_wx is sqrt(coeff_w^2 + coeff_x^2). Same operation is also for the gradient of f w.r.t w.
    • If you use the original gradient to do the backprop, you could still make it work but may need different lambda settings.


  1. Requirements for Matlab
  2. Requirements for Caffe and matcaffe (see: Caffe installation instructions)
  3. Requirements for MTCNN (see: MTCNN - face detection & alignment) and Pdollar toolbox (see: Piotr's Image & Video Matlab Toolbox).


  1. Clone the SphereFace repository. We'll call the directory that you cloned SphereFace as SPHEREFACE_ROOT.

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/wy1iu/sphereface.git
  2. Build Caffe and matcaffe

    cd $SPHEREFACE_ROOT/tools/caffe-sphereface
    # Now follow the Caffe installation instructions here:
    # http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/installation.html
    make all -j8 && make matcaffe


After successfully completing installation, you'll be ready to run all the following experiments.

Part 1: Preprocessing

Note 1: In this part, we assume you are in the directory $SPHEREFACE_ROOT/preprocess/

  1. Download the training set (CASIA-WebFace) and test set (LFW) and place them in data/.

    mv /your_path/CASIA_WebFace  data/
    tar xvf data/lfw.tgz -C data/

    Please make sure that the directory of data/ contains two datasets.

  2. Detect faces and facial landmarks in CAISA-WebFace and LFW datasets using MTCNN (see: MTCNN - face detection & alignment).

    # In Matlab Command Window
    run code/face_detect_demo.m

    This will create a file dataList.mat in the directory of result/.

  3. Align faces to a canonical pose using similarity transformation.

    # In Matlab Command Window
    run code/face_align_demo.m

    This will create two folders (CASIA-WebFace-112X96/ and lfw-112X96/) in the directory of result/, containing the aligned face images.

Part 2: Train

Note 2: In this part, we assume you are in the directory $SPHEREFACE_ROOT/train/

  1. Get a list of training images and labels.

    mv ../preprocess/result/CASIA-WebFace-112X96 data/
    # In Matlab Command Window
    run code/get_list.m

    The aligned face images in folder CASIA-WebFace-112X96/ are moved from preprocess folder to train folder. A list CASIA-WebFace-112X96.txt is created in the directory of data/ for the subsequent training.

  2. Train the sphereface model.

    ./code/sphereface/sphereface_train.sh 0,1

    After training, a model sphereface_model_iter_28000.caffemodel and a corresponding log file sphereface_train.log are placed in the directory of result/sphereface/.

Part 3: Test

Note 3: In this part, we assume you are in the directory $SPHEREFACE_ROOT/test/

  1. Get the pair list of LFW (view 2).

    mv ../preprocess/result/lfw-112X96 data/

    Make sure that the LFW dataset andpairs.txt in the directory of data/

  2. Extract deep features and test on LFW.

    # In Matlab Command Window
    run code/evaluation.m

    Finally we have the sphereface_model.caffemodel, extracted features pairs.mat in folder result/, and accuracy on LFW like this:

    fold 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AVE
    ACC 99.33% 99.17% 98.83% 99.50% 99.17% 99.83% 99.17% 98.83% 99.83% 99.33% 99.30%


  1. Visualizations of network achitecture (tools from ethereon):
    • SphereFace-20: link
  2. Model file


  1. Following the instruction, we go though the entire pipline for 5 times. The accuracies on LFW are shown below.

    Experiment #1 #2 #3 (released) #4 #5
    ACC 99.24% 99.20% 99.30% 99.27% 99.13%


Weiyang Liu and Yandong Wen

Questions can also be left as issues in the repository. We will be happy to answer them.