eXo Platform Community Docker container

Docker Stars - Docker Pulls

  • Ubuntu
  • Oracle JDK
  • eXo Platform Community edition
  • LibreOffice

Supported databases

Community edition only support HSQLDB and MySQL.


The following environment variables must be passed to the container in order to work :

EXO_DATA_DIR NO /srv/exo the directory to store eXo Platform data
EXO_DB_TYPE NO hsqldb Community edition only support hsqldb and mysql
EXO_DB_NAME NO exo the name of the database / schema to use
EXO_DB_USER NO exo the username to connect to the database
EXO_DB_PASSWORD YES - the password to connect to the database
EXO_DB_HOST NO mysql the host to connect to the database server
EXO_DB_PORT NO 3306 the port to connect to the database server

How to

run the container

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name=exo exoplatform/exo-community:latest
  • watch container logs
docker logs --follow exo

install eXo Platform add-ons

(starting from 4.3 container version)

There is 2 ways to install add-ons in the container during the startup time:

  • provide a commas separated list of add-ons you want to install in a EXO_ADDONS_LIST environment variable to the container:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name=exo -e EXO_ADDONS_LIST="exo-tasks:1.0.0,exo-answers" exoplatform/exo-community:latest
  • provide the list of add-ons you want to install in a file /etc/exo/addons-list.conf in the container:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name=exo -v ~/addons-list.conf:/etc/exo/addons-list.conf:ro exoplatform/exo-community:latest

The format of the file is :

  • 1 add-on declaration per line
  • 1 add-on declaration is : ADDON_ID or ADDON_ID:VERSION
  • every line starting with a # character is treated as a comment and is ignored
  • every blank line is ignored
# Sample add-ons-list.conf file

list installed eXo Platform add-ons

In a running container execute the following command:

docker exec -ti exo /sbin/setuser exo /opt/exo/current/addon list --installed

customize some eXo Platform settings

As explained in eXo Platform documentation you can customize several aspects of eXo platform by settings environment variables.

You can just pass environment variables:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name=exo -e EXO_JVM_SIZE_MAX="2g" exoplatform/exo-community:latest

You your own setenv-customize.sh file:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name=exo -v ~/setenv-customize.sh:/opt/exo/current/bin/setenv-customize.sh:ro exoplatform/exo-community:latest

List of available versions

Image JDK eXo Platform Size
exoplatform/exo-community:latest 8 4.3.0 Community edition
exoplatform/exo-community:develop 8 4.3.0 Community edition
exoplatform/exo-community:4.4 8 4.4.0 Community edition
exoplatform/exo-community:4.3 8 4.3.0 Community edition
exoplatform/exo-community:4.2 7 4.2.0 Community edition
exoplatform/exo-community:4.1 7 4.1.0 Community edition