Coaching Log Frontend


  • NodeJS


  1. Install packages
npm install

Development and Build

Please change the variables in .env.XXX if needed.
Please add the required command to package.json's "scripts" if needed

Local Development

npm run start:local

Production Development

Please note that the API_URL in .env.production hasn't been updated

npm run start:production

Production Build

Please note that the API_URL in .env.production hasn't been updated.

npm run build:production


  1. Login with username and password, or session with cookies
  2. Role-based access control and rendering
  3. User and client
    1. Create
    2. Edit
    3. List
    4. Pagination
  4. Assigning client to user (coach)
  5. Coaching logs:
    1. Create
    2. Edit
    3. Lock
    4. List
    5. Side-by-side view
    6. Rendering based on states
  6. Change password
  7. Sign out


Coaching Log Screenshot

Clients List Screenshot