
Use socket.io for webpack hot reloading with your own dev server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack Hot Socket Server

Webpack hot reloading using only webpack-dev-middleware. This allows you to add a socket.io hot reloading channel to an existing server.

This module is only concerned with the mechanisms to connect a browser client to a webpack server & receive updates. It will subscribe to changes from the server and execute those changes using webpack's HMR api. Actually making your application capable of using hot reloading to make seamless changes is out of scope, and usually handled by another library.

Installation & Usage

See example/ for an example of usage.

First, install the module:

npm install --save-dev https://github.com/cl1ck/webpack-hot-socket-server.git

Next, enable hot reloading in your webpack config:

  1. Add the following three plugins to the plugins array:

    plugins: [
        new webpack.optimize.OccurrenceOrderPlugin(),
        new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
        new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin()

    Occurence ensures consistent build hashes, hot module replacement is somewhat self-explanatory, no errors is used to handle errors more cleanly.

  2. Add 'webpack-hot-middleware/client?host=localhost&port=3000' into the entry array.

    This connects to the server to receive notifications when the bundle rebuilds and then updates your client bundle accordingly.

Now attach it to your server:

  1. Add webpack-dev-middleware

    var app = require('express')();
    var server = require('http').Server(app);
    var webpack = require('webpack');
    var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.config');
    var compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);
    app.use(require("webpack-dev-middleware")(compiler, {
        noInfo: true, publicPath: webpackConfig.output.publicPath
  2. Add webpack-hot-socket-server attached to the same compiler instance

    require("webpack-hot-socket-server")(compiler, {
        log: console.log,
        port: 3000

And you're all set!


Configuration options can be passed to the client by adding querystring parameters to the path in the webpack config.

  • port - The port which the socket.io server is listening to
  • host - The host which the socket.io server is listening to (if not provided it'll use origin)
  • overlay - Set to false to disable the DOM-based client-side overlay.
  • reload - Set to true to auto-reload the page when webpack gets stuck.
  • noInfo - Set to true to disable informational console logging.
  • quiet - Set to true to disable all console logging.

How it Works

The middleware installs itself as a webpack plugin, and listens for compiler events. The server will then publish notifications to connected clients on compiler events.

When the client receives a message, it will check to see if the local code is up to date. If it isn't up to date, it will trigger webpack hot module reloading.


Use with auto-restarting servers

This module expects to remain running while you make changes to your webpack bundle, if you use a process manager like nodemon then you will likely see very slow changes on the client side. If you want to reload the server component, either use a separate process, or find a way to reload your server routes without restarting the whole process. See https://github.com/glenjamin/ultimate-hot-reloading-example for an example of one way to do this.

Use with multiple entry points in webpack

If you want to use multiple entry points in your webpack config you need to include the hot middleware client in each entry point. This ensures that each entry point file knows how to handle hot updates. See the examples folder README for an example.

entry: {
    vendor: ['jquery', 'webpack-hot-middleware/client?port=3000&'],
    index: ['./src/index', 'webpack-hot-middleware/client?port=3000&']


Based on webpack-hot-middleware Copyright 2015 Glen Mailer

All Changes since including Oct. 18 2016 Copyright 2016 Michel Hofmann

MIT Licensed.