
This repository contains the materials for natural language processing courses from deep learning ai NLP series.

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This repository contains the materials for natural language processing courses from deep learning ai NLP series.

Course 1: Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces

Topics: Use logistic regression, naïve Bayes, and word vectors to implement sentiment analysis, complete analogies & translate words.

Week1: Logistic Regression

In this class, I learnt to extract features from text into numerical vectors, then build a binary classifer for tweets using a logistic regression.
Topics: Sentiment analysis, Logistic regression, Data pre-processing, Calculating word frequencies, Feature extraction, Vocabulary creation, Supervised learning



Week2: Naive Bayes

Learn the theory behind Bayes' rule for conditional probabilities, then apply it toward building a Naive Bayes tweet classifier.
Topics: Error analysis, Naive Bayes inference, Log likelihood, Laplacian smoothing, conditional probabilities, Bayes rule, Sentiment analysis



Week3: Vector Space Models

Vector space models capture semantic meaning and relationships between words. I learnt how to create word vectors that capture dependencies between words, then visualize their relationships in two dimensions using PCA.
Topics: Covariance matrices, Dimensionality reduction, Principal component analysis, Cosine similarity, Euclidean distance, Co-occurrence matrices, Vector representations, Vector space models


Week4: Machine Translation

Learnt to transform word vectors and assign them to subsets using locality sensitive hashing, in order to perform machine translation and document search.
Topics: Gradient descent, Approximate nearest neighbors, Locality sensitive hashing, Hash functions, Hash tables, K nearest neighbors, Document search, Machine translation, Frobenius norm



Course 2: Natural Language Processing with Probabilistic Models

Topics: Word2vec, Parts-of-Speech tagging, N-gram language models, autocorrect

Week1: Autocorrect and minimum edit distance.

In this class, I learnt to apply different edit operations (delete, insert, switch, replace) to build a simple auto correct model. Topics: Autocorrect, minimum edit distance, edit operations.



Week2: Part of speech tagging

In this class, the objective is to use Markov chains and hidden markov models to create part-of-speech tags for text corpus. Topics: Markov chains, Hidden Markov models, Part-of-speech tagging, Viterbi algorithm, Transition probabilities, Emission probabilities.



Week3: Autocomplete and Language Models

Learnt about using N-gram language models by calculating sequence probabilities. Topics: Language modeling, perplexity, K-smoothing, N-grams, Backoff, Tokenization.



Week4: Word embeddings with neural networks

Learnt about how to use word embeddings to carry the semantic meaning of words and build continuous-bag-of-words model.
Topics: Gradient descent, one-hot vectors, neural networks, word embeddings, continuous bag-of-words model, text pre-processing, tokenization.



Course 3: Natural Language Processing with Sequence Models


Week1: Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis.

Learnt about neural networks for deep learning, then build a sophisticated tweet classifier that places tweets into positive or negative sentiment categories, using a deep neural network. Topics: Feature extraction, Supervised machine learning, Text preprocessing, ReLU, Neural networks.



Week2: Recurrent Neural Networks for Language Modeling.

Learnt about the limitation of traditional language models and see how RNNs and GRUs use sequential data for text prediction.
Topics: N-grams, Gated recurrent units, Recurrent neural networks.



Week3: LSTMs and Named Entity Recognition.

Learnt about how long short-term memory units (LSTMs) solve the vanishing gradient problem, and how Named Entity Recognition systems quickly extract important information from text.
Topics: Vanishing gradients, Named entity recognition, LSTMs, Feature extraction, Part-of-speech tagging, Data generators.

