
Nestjs Starter using Mongodb and Passportjs

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nestjs email authentication starter

This project is an example of implementation of a user email authentication with Nestjs v6.9.0, MongoDB and PassportJs

It can be used as starter for a new project: it implements API for user sign-in/sign-up and features like email verification, forgotten password, reset password, update profile and settings.

Getting started

Install nodejs and mongodb in your machine.

Install dependencies with npm and run the application:

npm install
npm run start

Deploy using Docker

⚠️ Before deploy the app in a container set the right configuration as explained in the section below, and then you can run:

docker-compose up -d

It will generate 3 containers:

  • nestjs: nodejs application -> localhost:3000 (you can change the port in the docker-compose.yml)
  • mongodb: database -> expose 27017 in the container network but not reacheable from outside.
  • mongo-express: a web-based MongoDB admin interface -> localhost:8081

You can edit the config is in docker-compose.yml.
❗ Note: For security reason, remember to change the db password in docker-compose.yml and in config.ts file, and to change the mongo-express password to access the console.

Configuration File

You can find a config.ts file in the root of the project.
Before run the server set your db configuration (according you are using docker or not) and your 📧 Nodemailer options to be able to send emails for registration:

# Docker Example #
"db": {
    "user": "root",
    "pass": "example",
    "host": "mongo",
    "port": "27017",
    "database": "testdb", 
    "authSource": "admin"

# Local nodejs Example #
"db": {
   "user": null,
   "pass": null,
   "host": "localhost",
   "port": "27017",
   "database": "testdb",
   "authSource": null


"host": {
    "url": "<server-url>",  //This link is used to redirect users to your server to confirm their email address (link via email)
    "port": "3000"


    "host": "<smtp-host>", //Nodemailer settings (go to the nodemailer documentation for further informations) - You need to set up this to make the signup api start working
    "port": "<port>",
    "secure": false,
    "user": "<username>",
    "pass": "<password>"


Server will listen on port 3000, and it expose the following APIs:

  • POST - /auth/email/register - Register a new user

    • email - string
    • password - string
    • name - string (optional)
    • surname - string (optional)
  • POST - /auth/email/login - Login user

    • email - string
    • password - string
  • GET - /auth/email/verify/:token - Validates the token sent in the email and activates the user's account

  • GET - /auth/email/resend-verification/:email - Resend verification email

  • GET - /auth/email/forgot-password/:email - Send a token via email to reset the password

  • POST - /auth/email/reset-password - Change user password

    • newPassword - string
    • newPasswordToken - string (token received by forgot-password api)
  • GET - /auth/users - Returns all users (must be logged in)

  • GET - /users/user/:email - Returns selected user info (must be logged in)

  • POST - /users/profile/update - Update user info

    • name - string
    • surname - string
    • phone - string
    • email - string
    • birthdaydate - Date
    • profilepicture - string (base64)
  • POST - /users/gallery/update - Add/Remove user photos

    • email - string
    • action - string ('add' or 'remove')
    • newPhoto - object (only for case 'add')
      • imageData - string (base64)
      • description - string
    • photoId - string (base64) (only for case 'remove')
  • POST - settings/update - Update user settings

    • email - string
    • settingsKey1 - string (Value1)
    • settingsKey2 - string (Value2)
    • ...

Passport JWT strategy

This project use JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token as authentication strategy for Passport. The login API returns an access_token that you have to use to send a correct authorization header in calls that require authentication. You can find an example with postman here

Login response:

  "data": {
      "token": {
          "expires_in": "3600",
          "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...._DkYJJh4s"

Authorization header example:

 Authorization → Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...._DkYJJh4s


All request and response are logged so this can help you to debug in production. If you use pm2 as process manager, I suggest you to install pm2-logrotate in your server.


The project implements some of nodejs security techniques :

  • Helmet : can help protect your app from some well-known web vulnerabilities by setting HTTP headers appropriately
  • Express Rate Limit: to protect your applications from brute-force attacks
    • In the main.ts you can set a limit of requests in a time window (default is 100 requests in 15 minutes for all endpoints, and 3 requests in a 1 hour for sign up endpoint)


If you want to contribute to this starter, consider:

  • Reporting bugs and errors
  • Improve the documentation
  • Creating new features and pull requests

All contributions are welcome!


Licensed under the MIT license.