A Markov chain Discord chat bot. Generates unique messages by learning from past messages. Also occasionally attaches images to messages.
- 1
Docker Error: Not allowed to create new config.
#62 opened by m4d83112 - 0
- 0
Bot fails to attach files.
#61 opened by hujle - 3
program not creating config file
#29 opened by YungFrag - 0
Always fails to build a sentence
#57 opened by TheOnlyBeany - 2
Frequency/Auto Settings
#39 opened by LunaWasHere - 1
No permissions to create a config file
#55 opened by bluemozilla - 1
Docker issue
#45 opened by salutemyboot - 1
- 7
Getting ZodError when attempting to start bot
#38 opened by llamacomma - 0
- 1
cant deploy the bot to heroku
#37 opened by KuraiWasHere - 0
Chokes on 3,000,000 msg dataset
#36 opened by sapphonie - 1
Unable to learn Japanese
#34 opened by AI-Avalon - 0
Cannot run in Windows Server
#33 opened by AI-Avalon - 1
- 6
Problem with Dockerfile
#30 opened by LEv145 - 4
unknown channel error
#25 opened by JosephLaptop - 3
Bot unable to train from existing messages
#21 opened by NovaPhoenix - 1
Use SQLite database
#22 opened by claabs - 1
Feature request: support for threads
#23 opened by felda - 4
Not pulling from recent messages
#16 opened by Johnhall90 - 8
Retaining messages
#13 opened by weedoe - 4
- 1
30 errors upon trying to run npm run build
#10 opened by ICanNoot - 0
Spoiler tags
#9 opened by claabs - 1
- 0
MarkovDB doesn't load on boot
#3 opened by claabs - 2
Bot always crashes at midnight
#2 opened by googleooer - 14
Bot messages
#1 opened by googleooer