The proposed scripts allow you to search for houses in Texas listed on AirBnb Database.
NB : we suggest to download the notebook file because html doesn't work well with the rendering of some latex formulas and pandas DataFrames.
The data in usage are available on Kaggle AirBnb Data. They're a .csv file well organized with so many interesting features.
: This script contains all the useful functions to get the proposed requests, deeply commented to have a clear view of the logic behind. -
: This html files contains a Texas map that higlights the houses searched by the user in an example query. -
: This folder contains some fundamental files in order to let the user launching the function without recreating the file. This files are :
- The inverted index of the corpus ({term : [docs where the term appears]})
- The inverted index with TFIDF of the corpus ({term : [(doc where the term appears,TFID(term,doc)), ...]})
- The vocabulary of the corpus : ({term : term_id})
The goal of the Notebook
is to provide a storytelling friendly format that shows how to use the implemented code and to carry out the reesults. It provides explanations and examples.
We tried to organize it in a way the reader can follow our logic and conlcusions.