
Here you find the homework 2 of Algorithmic Methods of Data Mining class of the MSc in Data Science @ La Sapienza University, Rome

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Analyze how and where taxi moved in NYC in the first semester.

The proposed scripts allow you to explore some features about taxis' behaviour in NYC.

Get data to analyze

Download sets of taxi movments

The data in usage are available on Taxi in NYC. They're .csv files well organized with so many interesting features. You can check the data dictionary present on the same page of downloads.

Additional data

To get a better visualization we need to know which borough a certain zone relates to . So another useful dataset is taxi_zone_lookup.csv, available on the same page.

Script and Other files descriptions

  1. Hw2_libf.py: This script contains all the useful functions to get the proposed analysis deeply commented to have a clear view of the logic behind.

  2. zones.htm: This html files contains a NY map that higlights the zone where data were recorded.

  3. picks.html: This html file contains a Ny Choroplet map that takes in account the number of taxi picks.

  4. drops.html: This html file contains a Ny Choroplet map that takes in account the number of taxi drops.

IPython Notebook: Homework2.ipynb

The goal of the Notebook is to provide a storytelling friendly format that shows how to use the implemented code and to carry out the analysis. I tried to organize it in a way the reader can follow our logic and conlcusions.