
Verify a log is present in a block.

Primary LanguageRust

Verified Logs with SP1


This repository contains a program that can be run in a zkVM to prove the contents of a log at a given log index in a block. In particular, the program takes in a block_hash and a log_index as public inputs, and returns the log at the provided index as a public output (an illustrative function signature is below).

fn log_at_index(block_hash: B256, log_index: u64) -> Log

The program is written in Rust and in the program directory at program/src/main.rs. It is compiled to RISC-V bytecode (contained in program/elf/riscv32im-succinct-zkvm-elf) and can be run in the SP1 zkVM. To run the program in a zkVM and generate a proof, use the script directory. The script directory contains logic to get necesary private inputs to the program (such as the full block header and block receipts) and uses SP1 to generate and verify the proof.

Generate Proof

To generate a proof, run the following command in the script directory:

cd script;
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release

Proof generation should take 2-3 minutes on a Mac M1.

You can change the block_hash and log_index in the script/src/main.rs file to generate a proof for a different block and log index.