
Visualizations using data from the Medalla Eth2 testnet

Primary LanguageHTML

Code for the Medalla data challenge

The Ethereum foundation help a competition to visualize data surrounding the Medalla test net. At the time, I was interested in crypto and wanted to participate in something for the purposes of learning. This code was used to create the rpubs page here: https://rpubs.com/clabornd/676930. This turned out to be good enough for a reward :). The original competition details are here: https://blog.ethereum.org/2020/11/17/medalla-data-challenge-results

Unfortunately, it is probably nontrivial to recreate the plots in these notebooks, as the data comes this tool from https://github.com/wealdtech/chaind, which requires you to run an ethereum-2 node. However if you can get that working then maybe everything is gravy.

I'm now a very skeptical observer of the crypto space, especially after the 2021-2022 madness, however this was still a fun learning experience.